Happy Monday, everyone! I'd like to say that this week has been off to a great start, but after waking up feeling like I did this morning, that would be a bit of a stretch. When I planted my feet on the floor at about 8:00 am and tried to stand up, I felt like I had just gotten off of the teacup ride at Disney World. This dizzy, off-balance sensation lasted for about four hours and all I could do was sit on the couch and pick at some grapes. Thank goodness for good friends- Mer came right over and took me to the Minute Clinic at CVS (lesson learned? Get health insurance IMMEDIATELY when you move to a new place.) There wasn't much they could do for me so I did as Mom told me to do and bought some vitamins, drank some V8 and laid low for the rest of the day. I'm thinking it might be an iron thing since now I'm not dizzy but just tired instead. But alas, darling Chris (who I scared to death by not picking up my phone for a few hours after telling him how I felt) came home and brought us some yummy, healthy dinner and made me take a nap and rest. Hooray for that.
Onto more interesting topics... Friday I threw Chris a surprise bday party! His birthday isn't until Wednesday but I figured it would be easier to get people together on a weekend. Mer came over and helped me set up Friday morning and by the time I left the house to go to work it was filled with decorations, balloons and treats! Not to mention a hilarious cake with Chris's baby pic scanned on it. We went out with some of his friends after work but when I told him we needed to be home by 8 (since the guests would've been there by then) he didn't seem to understand the urgency in my voice. After a bit of coaxing, he probably knew I was up to something, but it worked and we were only fifteen minutes late. Not too shabby. He was definitely surprised and it was really great that a lot of his good friends could make it. We played cornhole (sorry, I can't help but chuckle), beer pong, hung out around the fire pit, and ate cake. At around midnight, Mer, Sam, Chris and I were all huddled on a bed looking out the window to see the Mars' moon that Mer was talking about but sadly all we could spot was a lone star.
Saturday, Chris and I went to Ryan and Amy's for a Rock Band party and let me just say, there is nothing better than Rock Band. Wait, there might be, it's called Just Dance. Amy introduced me to that one and let me tell you, the second I can afford a Wii, I am BUYING IT. I think my favorite moment might've been Chris and Dodd having a dance off to, oh god, who knows what song... U Can't Touch This perhaps? Classic.
Ohhhh and I have to backtrack to say that I successfully completed week one of classes!! Took two quizzes and did well, but am eternally pissed that I got one question wrong on my A&P quiz and still hold to the fact that it was a matter of interpretation. Ah well, not a horrible start for a new career in science. We'll take it. I'm working on being less of an anal retentive pain in the ass this time around.
I'd tell you what we did on Sunday but I'm embarrassed (get your minds out of the gutter). Let's just say there was a One Tree Hill marathon on..... I'll leave you with that.
Ok, off to get some more icecream. I say more because clearly I've already eaten one bowl. Love that Mom asked if I was eating when we talked today... as if I'd let myself go hungry for even four seconds.
QUIET, inner 400 pound woman. The reindeer sweaters will come. All in good time.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Why Deep Fried Butter Is Good For You
I am realizing right now that it's been about five days or so since I last blogged and when I tell you there is much to report in on, I am making a gross understatement. Let's backtrack to the weekend.
Sunday was also great... biked the Monon Trail (side note: I came within inches of crashing into a toddler on my bike.... gray hairs galore), ate at Brugge and hung out at home. Monday was a busy day (Chris worked til ten and it was my first day of class- LOVE LOVE LOVE it) but Tuesday we celebrated our one year anniversary!!!!! Awwwwwwwww..... ate at a yummy Italian restaurant and loved life a little bit more. Ok, more to come soon... I promise.
But I guess I'll just post these two pictures too so you understand why I truly packed up and moved here :)
Friday I spent the day babysitting two energetic little blondies. I had made the interesting suggestion of shaking the "magical snowglobe" so that we would be "transported to the beach" and somehow found myself outside running through a kiddie pool sprinkler in my clothes. Things were going well until brother squirted sister in the eye which resulted in instant tears. My solution was, of course, to hold sister upside down and threaten to take her to the hospital for an eye extraction. This made her giggle, thus proving to me that she was just fine.
I left covered in water, grass and bug bites and raced home to get ready for date night. Clean clothing and some deoderant were about all I could hope for.... shaved legs? Not so much. Poor Chris.
The two of us met downtown for dinner at PF Chang's. Afterwards, we roamed around the mall for an hour or so trying to digest. When we got home, I was surprised to see that my textbooks for class had already arrived. Chris and I sat on the living room floor opening the large boxes and, much to our surprise, found a fetal pig inside. Yes, a fetal pig. It is now our joke that I got my wish (I have been talking about how badly I want a pet pig and how I will find a way to sneak one into the house... well, there you have it). The shock of it was enough to send us into a fit of laughter. Chris asked me where in the world I planned on dissecting said pig... I thought for a second that maybe I would wear my goggles and dissect on the porch, but then knew the neighbors would look at me funny and probably call the police. So for now, we have agreed that the garage might be the best choice.
Ok, ok, fast forward to Saturday, because Saturday makes for a FAR more interesting story. We went to the.... bum bum bum... INDIANA STATE FAIR! Oh my God, I acquired a hick accent upon entry. WHAT. A. SHOW. Surrounded by John Deere tractors and colonial crafts, we snapped pictures left and right. As
the favorite part of the fair was, of course, the ridiculous food, I will summarize a few other highlights and then get to the good stuff. In no particular order we spent time: feeding a goat, seeing the baby pigs, watching Chris pick all the 1st place winners at the horse show while all my picks came in dead last (does this mean I have bad taste and he has good taste?), watching a woman fall out of the cart attached to her horse (one of those, I kind of want to laugh, I kind of want to cry, but I think instead I will just sit here with my chin on the floor and gasp and act useless like everyone else), and seeing the many lovely women adorned with fancy tiaras and sashes representing their respective, um, counties? Ok blah blah blah, FOOD- a few photos for your viewing pleasure:
Funnel Cake
Chicken Fingers & Fries
Deep Fried Butter
Krispy Kreme Burger. No joke.
Cheezy Beef Sticks
Deep Fried Pepsi
I have indigestion just thinking about everything we ate.... but the type of indigestion that simultaneously makes you smile. Oh and
, one other thing before I move on. In the middle of this fair full of fried food and homogeneity, there was a huge Japanese cultural exhibit. Exhibit A conveys the confusion we felt:
When we got home on Saturday night, Chris took a nap and I read and played.... I don't do well with naps. When he got up at 10 pm, we sat outside on the porch with candles and wine and had an al fresco European dinner. That is, until a large Cicada joined our party. And when I say large, I mean, we were screaming like girls and took all of our stuff inside STAT. It was a sight. Sometimes I think we are trapped in some hilarious romantic comedy where things are never quite the way we imagined.
When we finished dinner, I had a strong urge to dance. We put on Michael Buble Pandora and yes, friends, danced in the living room. Chris, are you ready to kill me yet for outing you on how hopelessly romantic you are? Anyway, it was fun... like out of a movie.
Sunday was also great... biked the Monon Trail (side note: I came within inches of crashing into a toddler on my bike.... gray hairs galore), ate at Brugge and hung out at home. Monday was a busy day (Chris worked til ten and it was my first day of class- LOVE LOVE LOVE it) but Tuesday we celebrated our one year anniversary!!!!! Awwwwwwwww..... ate at a yummy Italian restaurant and loved life a little bit more. Ok, more to come soon... I promise.
But I guess I'll just post these two pictures too so you understand why I truly packed up and moved here :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Do You Truly Need a Right Pedal to Bike?
Happy Friday, everyone! My multitasking this morning is medal worthy. I am attempting to make coffee, type with my right hand, eat cheerios with my left hand and send pictures of puppies to Chris's email account all at once. Chris will roll his eyes when he sees the pictures of the puppies, but he secretly loves them and wants one as well.
So I wasn't going to write again QUITE so soon, but I actually had to after what happened last night. Let me explain.
Yesterday started out like any other Thursday. I ate breakfast, watched the Kardashians (yes, I watch them), and started trying to get fifteen things done at once. I have been told that it is best to focus on one thing at a time, but alas, that is impossible. I pay my bills, order my books for class, do a tutorial on how to go to school online (so strange) and head to Starbucks to write. No, I am not going through some Thoreauvian (word check here, folks) right of passage. Rather, I am writing to be paid (ohhhh glorious money) and also working on school applications. You know, the ever fun "Please write a personal statement about yourself. Please tell us everything we should know and make us fall in love with you as a person. Please do not exceed 500 words." Umm, so what you are saying is, my worth in life as a person has been reduced to 500 words? I can't just shrink the font? Look, I'm a talker. I started writing and all of the sudden looked down and saw I was at 1,100 words and HELLO I was only 3/4 of the way done!
Anyway, 3.5 hours, a blueberry scone and orange mango smoothie later, I was starving and decided it was time to go home.
Chris and I made chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs and toast for dinner. Chris was in charge of the pancakes, I was in charge of the eggs. I would like to admit to the world that we use the Aunt Jemima "Just add water" mix. We did however, grow the grain and bake the bread. Kidding.
After dinner, Chris says, "Let's go on a bike ride!" YES. I am pumped. Backtrack with me for a moment- two days ago, we bought bikes off of Craigslist for $35 bucks each. Mwahahaha what a steal. I throw on my flip flops and race him outside. We wave hello to our next door neighbors and hop on our bikes.
I head towards the dead end and then, IT HAPPENS. THE RIGHT PEDAL OF MY BIKE FALLS OFF. ARE YOU EVEN KIDDING ME?! I did what one HAS to do in this situation. I laughed uncontrollably. Chris was not quite sure what to do- he laughed, he felt bad, I just sat on the grass and died. Convinced I could fix the pedal with my bare hands, I attempted to for a solid twenty minutes before Chris came outside with a wrench and I broke down and let him fix it. What a man.
It was getting dark but we were determined to ride so we did. A discovery that was made was that we are about a three minute bike ride from an indoor skating rink and a YMCA! Best day ever! We checked out the rink and grabbed some flyers.
Back at home we researched puppies (ahem) and ate some icecream. Chris ate his out of a very tiny bowl. I ate mine out of my ice cream therapy mug (fits a pint). Juuuuust another night in Indiana.
And now we have arrived at Friday and I must run to babysit. But I believe a trip to the state fair is in order for the weekend so stay tuned!
Lots of love, corn and football.
So I wasn't going to write again QUITE so soon, but I actually had to after what happened last night. Let me explain.
Yesterday started out like any other Thursday. I ate breakfast, watched the Kardashians (yes, I watch them), and started trying to get fifteen things done at once. I have been told that it is best to focus on one thing at a time, but alas, that is impossible. I pay my bills, order my books for class, do a tutorial on how to go to school online (so strange) and head to Starbucks to write. No, I am not going through some Thoreauvian (word check here, folks) right of passage. Rather, I am writing to be paid (ohhhh glorious money) and also working on school applications. You know, the ever fun "Please write a personal statement about yourself. Please tell us everything we should know and make us fall in love with you as a person. Please do not exceed 500 words." Umm, so what you are saying is, my worth in life as a person has been reduced to 500 words? I can't just shrink the font? Look, I'm a talker. I started writing and all of the sudden looked down and saw I was at 1,100 words and HELLO I was only 3/4 of the way done!
Anyway, 3.5 hours, a blueberry scone and orange mango smoothie later, I was starving and decided it was time to go home.
Chris and I made chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs and toast for dinner. Chris was in charge of the pancakes, I was in charge of the eggs. I would like to admit to the world that we use the Aunt Jemima "Just add water" mix. We did however, grow the grain and bake the bread. Kidding.
After dinner, Chris says, "Let's go on a bike ride!" YES. I am pumped. Backtrack with me for a moment- two days ago, we bought bikes off of Craigslist for $35 bucks each. Mwahahaha what a steal. I throw on my flip flops and race him outside. We wave hello to our next door neighbors and hop on our bikes.
I head towards the dead end and then, IT HAPPENS. THE RIGHT PEDAL OF MY BIKE FALLS OFF. ARE YOU EVEN KIDDING ME?! I did what one HAS to do in this situation. I laughed uncontrollably. Chris was not quite sure what to do- he laughed, he felt bad, I just sat on the grass and died. Convinced I could fix the pedal with my bare hands, I attempted to for a solid twenty minutes before Chris came outside with a wrench and I broke down and let him fix it. What a man.
It was getting dark but we were determined to ride so we did. A discovery that was made was that we are about a three minute bike ride from an indoor skating rink and a YMCA! Best day ever! We checked out the rink and grabbed some flyers.
Back at home we researched puppies (ahem) and ate some icecream. Chris ate his out of a very tiny bowl. I ate mine out of my ice cream therapy mug (fits a pint). Juuuuust another night in Indiana.
And now we have arrived at Friday and I must run to babysit. But I believe a trip to the state fair is in order for the weekend so stay tuned!
Lots of love, corn and football.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
There's Just So Much... Corn.
Hi friends... those I don't yet know and those I do. It is August 17th, 2010 and I applaud myself as I say that I have officially survived 10 days in the midwest. I say 10 even though it's only been 9 because I fully intend on making it through today as well. I digress.
Some of you know why I'm here... you were the ones who read the About Me on the right hand side of this blog. For those of you more like myself, you have absolutely no idea why you are reading this ramble and are probably in a library somewhere avoiding a paper you're supposed to be writing. Well, kudos to you for veering away from Facebook and reading something other than a poorly spelled status update.
The long and short of this is that back in January, my boyfriend Chris and I had a Skype date where we agreed that long distance love between Indiana and Boston (I say Boston as though it's a state and in my personal opinion, it is wonderful enough to be one) was getting to be a little frustrating and to be honest, a little expensive. Knowing I had been trying to find a way to get back to school to become a nurse anyway, Chris thought the logical and lovical (I invented this word as it is basically logic influenced and persuaded by love) thing to do would be for me to move in with him and start classes. Hmmm.... I remember chewing my lip thinking, "Ok, so I would essentially quit my job, pack up, leave all of my friends and family, and move to Indiana, into a boy's house, to start science classes.... ummm. Ok."
I hemmed and hawed for a few days, made lists of pros and cons, consulted with the powers that be (Mom and Dad, roommates, friends, former teachers, the Gods, whoever would listen) and decided I would take the plunge.
And so here I am, on a sunny day in August, sitting at a kitchen table that I did not buy in a house that I do not own, drinking coffee, and pouring my heart out to you. In the future, I plan on cutting right to the chase and telling you funny and/or heartfelt stories about the days and moments that pass but I felt an intro and some background were relatively important to get you "up to snuff" (I love that phrase).
For now, I will recap for you via bullets what it has been like in this new life I have started:
1. After 23 hours, my sister Kristen and I arrive in Indiana. One full hour of said trip is spent marveling at the waves of golden corn we pass. There is just so.much.corn.
2. We sit at a bar in Broad Ripple with Chris, drinking beers to stay cool. It is HOT here. We're talking sweating behind your kneecaps hot.
3. Chris, Kris (so confusing) and I meet up with friends Mer, Sam, Nic, Jes and baby Silas for pizza and cornhole. Cornhole is not, in fact, a derogatory term even though the sound of it makes me giggle. It is actually bean bag toss. But the midwesterners choose to call it cornhole because to them it makes more sense. *Insert quizzical look* Difference #1 between New England and here.
4. Kristen and I find ourselves at a pub downtown, drinking at noon. This is not actually something to be proud of, but feeling horribly uncomfortable in my own skin, I decided liquid courage might help. I only eat half of my mac and cheese. This is not normal for me. We roam around the mall after, hoping to find friends. We feel we have hit the jackpot at the Cinnabon stand but realize it is awkward and inappropriate to try to pick up friends at fast food joints day one.
5. Chris and I go grocery shopping together. This for some reason cheers me up. Maybe it is because I love eating. And maybe I am still hungry since I never finished the mac and cheese.
6. Tuesday is better. I have learned how to use the coffee maker and have had approximately 5 cups. I am empowered by caffeine and run around the house unpacking and doing errands. It feels good to be my spastic self again. On impulse, I buy fun lights for the porch off the kitchen and a fire pit. I like fire. Not a pyro, I promise. Kris and I also buy food for a Mexican fiesta. Chris walks in and his house has been transformed into a makeshift restaurant, as Spanish music fills the air. We eat, we laugh, we are merry.
7. Wednesday Kristen and I get our nails done at a Chinese salon. We end up paying more than we intended as we are, predictably, conned into getting nail art. We try to see a movie but the fire alarms at the movie theater we find are going off. We wait in a parking lot, almost on E, for Chris to come find us and go to a bar with other pharmacy residents. I am in a mood, though I have omitted this information and try to put on a fake smile. We get to the bar, I steal a Fedora from the waiter and ask for a job application. I refuse to eat to control my anxiety, and end up crying at the table in front of Chris's co-workers. I am embarrassed and uncomfortable and feel like I will never make friends. I want desperately to go home. Chris is wonderful and understanding... he knows I am a little crazy. He knows I do not like being the new girl. We go home.
8. Thursday is better. I have decided to stop being a pyscho if possible and give this place a chance. I get a few more errands done, go to see The Other Guys with Kristen and when Chris gets home, we head to Bed, Bath and Beyond for a wedding present for his friends. After we pick out their gift, we walk around and pretend like we are registering ourselves. We decide that when we get married, we will ask for things like a donut maker, ice cream maker, Wii and Rock Band. I feel very, very old.
9. Friday Chris has to work until 10 pm so Kristen and I plan a fun-filled day for ourselves. We head to Ivy Tech where I will be taking a few prereqs to get into nursing school and settle a bunch of fun loan crap. After, I drop off a volunteer application at Riley (children's hospital downtown). We eat lunch at Qdoba and end up at Target for the 80th time this week. I buy a few citronella candles for the porch and some flowers. Once home, we crack open a bottle of wine, sit on the porch, and ponder life over a berry medley that Kristen has made. Chris comes home, kisses me and ask how much wine I have consumed, I tell him. Oops. Time for sleep.
10. Saturday we go to Patachou for breakfast. I love it here. People are sweet, hippy dippy and fun. I feel right at home. At my old job I was known as the Earth Mama. I eat a yummy, savory breakfast with Chris and Kris and then we race home to get ready for the wedding. All dolled up, Chris and I head to the church. The wedding is beautiful- lovely colors, lovely flowers. I am able to meet a few of Chris's college buddies who are wildly inappropriate and hysterical. This also feels like home. They joke that I am the cultured girl from the Northeast and I gently remind them that I am from Maine originally- you know, the land of moose and lobsters. Ayuh. We go home and take Kristen with us to Ram for beer, cheese dip and dinner. Mmmmm.... Today has been good.
11. Sunday, Chris proves to me once again just how wonderful he is when he agrees to see Eat, Pray, Love. This is my favorite book. The audience is full of white-haired women, looking for answers from Julia Roberts. I am totally engaged in every moment and word of the film. Chris and Kris... well, I'm not sure. We leave and I ramble on about wanting to buy a bike and go to Bali. Chris says we can get Indian food for dinner if that would help. I laugh and kiss his cheek. How did such an unlikely pair end up together? Mer and Sam come over later. Mer has baked delicious chocolate chip cookies for us. I look at the plate of slice and bakes I made earlier in the week that have gone untouched. Sigh. I am just not domestic.
12. Monday Chris has to work and it is Kristen's last day. We shop, eat delicious Japanese food, and find ourselves at a winery in Fishers. I love the winery... the people are funny and kind and I want to be their friend. They tell me they will be my friend and hug me. I drink wine, laugh and marvel that such a treasure exists in this town. I steal every flyer I can find on free music, wine and canvas nights, etc. and leave to take Kristen to the airport. Chris and I go grocery shopping when he comes home and then sit outside on the porch by candlelight, drinking wine and talking about what we would do if we didn't have to work. You know, dreams and such.... I feel warm and happy and we go to sleep.
And so here I am... starting to feel like this life is maybe not so different from the one I left behind. Signing off for now.... lots of love.
Some of you know why I'm here... you were the ones who read the About Me on the right hand side of this blog. For those of you more like myself, you have absolutely no idea why you are reading this ramble and are probably in a library somewhere avoiding a paper you're supposed to be writing. Well, kudos to you for veering away from Facebook and reading something other than a poorly spelled status update.
The long and short of this is that back in January, my boyfriend Chris and I had a Skype date where we agreed that long distance love between Indiana and Boston (I say Boston as though it's a state and in my personal opinion, it is wonderful enough to be one) was getting to be a little frustrating and to be honest, a little expensive. Knowing I had been trying to find a way to get back to school to become a nurse anyway, Chris thought the logical and lovical (I invented this word as it is basically logic influenced and persuaded by love) thing to do would be for me to move in with him and start classes. Hmmm.... I remember chewing my lip thinking, "Ok, so I would essentially quit my job, pack up, leave all of my friends and family, and move to Indiana, into a boy's house, to start science classes.... ummm. Ok."
I hemmed and hawed for a few days, made lists of pros and cons, consulted with the powers that be (Mom and Dad, roommates, friends, former teachers, the Gods, whoever would listen) and decided I would take the plunge.
And so here I am, on a sunny day in August, sitting at a kitchen table that I did not buy in a house that I do not own, drinking coffee, and pouring my heart out to you. In the future, I plan on cutting right to the chase and telling you funny and/or heartfelt stories about the days and moments that pass but I felt an intro and some background were relatively important to get you "up to snuff" (I love that phrase).
For now, I will recap for you via bullets what it has been like in this new life I have started:
1. After 23 hours, my sister Kristen and I arrive in Indiana. One full hour of said trip is spent marveling at the waves of golden corn we pass. There is just so.much.corn.
2. We sit at a bar in Broad Ripple with Chris, drinking beers to stay cool. It is HOT here. We're talking sweating behind your kneecaps hot.
3. Chris, Kris (so confusing) and I meet up with friends Mer, Sam, Nic, Jes and baby Silas for pizza and cornhole. Cornhole is not, in fact, a derogatory term even though the sound of it makes me giggle. It is actually bean bag toss. But the midwesterners choose to call it cornhole because to them it makes more sense. *Insert quizzical look* Difference #1 between New England and here.
4. Kristen and I find ourselves at a pub downtown, drinking at noon. This is not actually something to be proud of, but feeling horribly uncomfortable in my own skin, I decided liquid courage might help. I only eat half of my mac and cheese. This is not normal for me. We roam around the mall after, hoping to find friends. We feel we have hit the jackpot at the Cinnabon stand but realize it is awkward and inappropriate to try to pick up friends at fast food joints day one.
5. Chris and I go grocery shopping together. This for some reason cheers me up. Maybe it is because I love eating. And maybe I am still hungry since I never finished the mac and cheese.
6. Tuesday is better. I have learned how to use the coffee maker and have had approximately 5 cups. I am empowered by caffeine and run around the house unpacking and doing errands. It feels good to be my spastic self again. On impulse, I buy fun lights for the porch off the kitchen and a fire pit. I like fire. Not a pyro, I promise. Kris and I also buy food for a Mexican fiesta. Chris walks in and his house has been transformed into a makeshift restaurant, as Spanish music fills the air. We eat, we laugh, we are merry.
7. Wednesday Kristen and I get our nails done at a Chinese salon. We end up paying more than we intended as we are, predictably, conned into getting nail art. We try to see a movie but the fire alarms at the movie theater we find are going off. We wait in a parking lot, almost on E, for Chris to come find us and go to a bar with other pharmacy residents. I am in a mood, though I have omitted this information and try to put on a fake smile. We get to the bar, I steal a Fedora from the waiter and ask for a job application. I refuse to eat to control my anxiety, and end up crying at the table in front of Chris's co-workers. I am embarrassed and uncomfortable and feel like I will never make friends. I want desperately to go home. Chris is wonderful and understanding... he knows I am a little crazy. He knows I do not like being the new girl. We go home.
8. Thursday is better. I have decided to stop being a pyscho if possible and give this place a chance. I get a few more errands done, go to see The Other Guys with Kristen and when Chris gets home, we head to Bed, Bath and Beyond for a wedding present for his friends. After we pick out their gift, we walk around and pretend like we are registering ourselves. We decide that when we get married, we will ask for things like a donut maker, ice cream maker, Wii and Rock Band. I feel very, very old.
9. Friday Chris has to work until 10 pm so Kristen and I plan a fun-filled day for ourselves. We head to Ivy Tech where I will be taking a few prereqs to get into nursing school and settle a bunch of fun loan crap. After, I drop off a volunteer application at Riley (children's hospital downtown). We eat lunch at Qdoba and end up at Target for the 80th time this week. I buy a few citronella candles for the porch and some flowers. Once home, we crack open a bottle of wine, sit on the porch, and ponder life over a berry medley that Kristen has made. Chris comes home, kisses me and ask how much wine I have consumed, I tell him. Oops. Time for sleep.
10. Saturday we go to Patachou for breakfast. I love it here. People are sweet, hippy dippy and fun. I feel right at home. At my old job I was known as the Earth Mama. I eat a yummy, savory breakfast with Chris and Kris and then we race home to get ready for the wedding. All dolled up, Chris and I head to the church. The wedding is beautiful- lovely colors, lovely flowers. I am able to meet a few of Chris's college buddies who are wildly inappropriate and hysterical. This also feels like home. They joke that I am the cultured girl from the Northeast and I gently remind them that I am from Maine originally- you know, the land of moose and lobsters. Ayuh. We go home and take Kristen with us to Ram for beer, cheese dip and dinner. Mmmmm.... Today has been good.
11. Sunday, Chris proves to me once again just how wonderful he is when he agrees to see Eat, Pray, Love. This is my favorite book. The audience is full of white-haired women, looking for answers from Julia Roberts. I am totally engaged in every moment and word of the film. Chris and Kris... well, I'm not sure. We leave and I ramble on about wanting to buy a bike and go to Bali. Chris says we can get Indian food for dinner if that would help. I laugh and kiss his cheek. How did such an unlikely pair end up together? Mer and Sam come over later. Mer has baked delicious chocolate chip cookies for us. I look at the plate of slice and bakes I made earlier in the week that have gone untouched. Sigh. I am just not domestic.
12. Monday Chris has to work and it is Kristen's last day. We shop, eat delicious Japanese food, and find ourselves at a winery in Fishers. I love the winery... the people are funny and kind and I want to be their friend. They tell me they will be my friend and hug me. I drink wine, laugh and marvel that such a treasure exists in this town. I steal every flyer I can find on free music, wine and canvas nights, etc. and leave to take Kristen to the airport. Chris and I go grocery shopping when he comes home and then sit outside on the porch by candlelight, drinking wine and talking about what we would do if we didn't have to work. You know, dreams and such.... I feel warm and happy and we go to sleep.
And so here I am... starting to feel like this life is maybe not so different from the one I left behind. Signing off for now.... lots of love.
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