Friday I spent the day babysitting two energetic little blondies. I had made the interesting suggestion of shaking the "magical snowglobe" so that we would be "transported to the beach" and somehow found myself outside running through a kiddie pool sprinkler in my clothes. Things were going well until brother squirted sister in the eye which resulted in instant tears. My solution was, of course, to hold sister upside down and threaten to take her to the hospital for an eye extraction. This made her giggle, thus proving to me that she was just fine.
I left covered in water, grass and bug bites and raced home to get ready for date night. Clean clothing and some deoderant were about all I could hope for.... shaved legs? Not so much. Poor Chris.
The two of us met downtown for dinner at PF Chang's. Afterwards, we roamed around the mall for an hour or so trying to digest. When we got home, I was surprised to see that my textbooks for class had already arrived. Chris and I sat on the living room floor opening the large boxes and, much to our surprise, found a fetal pig inside. Yes, a fetal pig. It is now our joke that I got my wish (I have been talking about how badly I want a pet pig and how I will find a way to sneak one into the house... well, there you have it). The shock of it was enough to send us into a fit of laughter. Chris asked me where in the world I planned on dissecting said pig... I thought for a second that maybe I would wear my goggles and dissect on the porch, but then knew the neighbors would look at me funny and probably call the police. So for now, we have agreed that the garage might be the best choice.
Ok, ok, fast forward to Saturday, because Saturday makes for a FAR more interesting story. We went to the.... bum bum bum... INDIANA STATE FAIR! Oh my God, I acquired a hick accent upon entry. WHAT. A. SHOW. Surrounded by John Deere tractors and colonial crafts, we snapped pictures left and right. As
the favorite part of the fair was, of course, the ridiculous food, I will summarize a few other highlights and then get to the good stuff. In no particular order we spent time: feeding a goat, seeing the baby pigs, watching Chris pick all the 1st place winners at the horse show while all my picks came in dead last (does this mean I have bad taste and he has good taste?), watching a woman fall out of the cart attached to her horse (one of those, I kind of want to laugh, I kind of want to cry, but I think instead I will just sit here with my chin on the floor and gasp and act useless like everyone else), and seeing the many lovely women adorned with fancy tiaras and sashes representing their respective, um, counties? Ok blah blah blah, FOOD- a few photos for your viewing pleasure:
Funnel Cake
Chicken Fingers & Fries
Deep Fried Butter
Krispy Kreme Burger. No joke.
Cheezy Beef Sticks
Deep Fried Pepsi
I have indigestion just thinking about everything we ate.... but the type of indigestion that simultaneously makes you smile. Oh and
, one other thing before I move on. In the middle of this fair full of fried food and homogeneity, there was a huge Japanese cultural exhibit. Exhibit A conveys the confusion we felt:
When we got home on Saturday night, Chris took a nap and I read and played.... I don't do well with naps. When he got up at 10 pm, we sat outside on the porch with candles and wine and had an al fresco European dinner. That is, until a large Cicada joined our party. And when I say large, I mean, we were screaming like girls and took all of our stuff inside STAT. It was a sight. Sometimes I think we are trapped in some hilarious romantic comedy where things are never quite the way we imagined.
When we finished dinner, I had a strong urge to dance. We put on Michael Buble Pandora and yes, friends, danced in the living room. Chris, are you ready to kill me yet for outing you on how hopelessly romantic you are? Anyway, it was fun... like out of a movie.
Sunday was also great... biked the Monon Trail (side note: I came within inches of crashing into a toddler on my bike.... gray hairs galore), ate at Brugge and hung out at home. Monday was a busy day (Chris worked til ten and it was my first day of class- LOVE LOVE LOVE it) but Tuesday we celebrated our one year anniversary!!!!! Awwwwwwwww..... ate at a yummy Italian restaurant and loved life a little bit more. Ok, more to come soon... I promise.
But I guess I'll just post these two pictures too so you understand why I truly packed up and moved here :)
"Sometimes I think we are trapped in some hilarious romantic comedy where things are never quite the way we imagined."
ReplyDeleteThat's when you know you're with the right person. :)