First, I have to ask... who DOES this? And how are these people getting away with this stuff? It's frustrating when you see and hear people with real problems (medical issues, income troubles, homelessness) going without while others reap the benefits of pure lies. Very sad when charity is wasted or abused like this. But enough about that, I promise positivity for the rest of this post.
Heather and I shopped last night for our wine tasting party which is very exciting! After Italian Wine Night at Chateau Thomas we thought it might be fun to do our own tasting, trivia and prizes included! Plans are moving forward....
Also, makes me happy. Way to go, Boston!!! :) I wish all kids around the world could have the kind of exceptional treatment you find at Children's. What a dream it would be to work there someday....
We used our own Basil the other day! Because it's getting HUGE! Make note: I grew something and kept it alive. Score.
Last night I fell asleep on the floor and woke up to Chris singing, "Peaceful Mariah... she's so peaceful when she sleeps
... " I died laughing. Chris loves when I'm asleep or when I'm in that barely awake, looking through half-shut eyes stage where I smile and burrow into the blankets. This is because I'm a hotheaded, feisty little woman the rest of the time apparently. Though I did explain to him last night that according to the calculations Mer and I did, we are 90% awesome, 5% emotional, and 5% crazy, though of that 5%, 3% of the crazy is warranted and therefore only 2% is unaccounted for, which for MOST people (ahem, women?) is extremely low.

It's like this bear... so nice and peaceful looking while it sleeps. When it's awake? MMM... yikes.
And finally, my favorite little boy turns 2 soon... and a bday party is in the works for the weekend! This is the best part of my job. Celebrating milestones with the cuties :)
He loves horses... what do we think of this for a present???
Hahaha....ohhhh if only.
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