I am struggling with the American Red Cross online training website right now, so while I wait for it to work itself out and allow me to sign on, I thought I would do a little writing.
First of all, it's 45 degrees out right now. Sickeningly enough, I am delighted. It's almost October and I am ready for fall weather- crunchy leaves, sweatshirts and jeans, warm afternoons and chilly mornings and nights. It just puts me in a good mood. I really love summer too, but fall to me symbolizes school, good smells, and rosy cheeks. I have two tiny pumpkins sitting next to me on the kitchen table right now but I think I'm going to have to get a few big ones to carve and leave on the porch. I hope we get trick-or-treaters here!
Ok, now for a weekend re-cap (those are my favorite): Friday instead of indulging in wine on a date with myself, I wound up studying at Starbucks. I knew I would not enjoy relaxing if I wasn't feeling ready for my quiz on Saturday. So I cranked out some work for a few hours and then headed over to the mall to buy myself some new running shoes. This was a very big splurge, but I decided that since my feet felt like they were running on pancakes, it was time. I also bought myself an awesome new shirt that just says Man Up. on the front. When I told my mom and sisters about this, they teased me and said they were surprised I would buy such a sexist shirt. They know I am a raging feminist and love to give me a hard time about it. I half-jokingly said I should tape a (WO) in front of the Man. It might be hilarious... annnnnd I think I might do it. Why do people plant these ideas in my head???? Also, please insert note here: Ryan did offer another option for the me and myself date night which was to be the duster at his apartment while he and Amy cleaned. As fun as that sounded, I didn't want to intrude.
Moving right along to Saturday... OHHHH Saturday. It felt like a scene out of Julie and Julia. You know, the book/movie about the girl who tries to cook and just ends up cursing a lot?? Well, after studying all morning and taking my quiz, Chris and I decided to be fancy and try our new ice cream maker. Mer and Sam's housewarming party was Saturday night and we had high hopes of bringing homemade pie, ice cream, and guacamole to the house. There are two problems with Chris and I cooking/baking together under time constraints: 1) He is meticulous and I am impatient. This means that not only do we not make deadlines, things are also done incorrectly. 2) Both of us are perfectionists and want everything to come out perfectly even when we are slow, impatient, or not sure of what the hell it is we're doing. So I started off by throwing all the ingredients together and heating them in the saucepan.... then immediately transferred the mix to the semi-frozen bowl that goes inside the ice cream maker... then plopped said bowl in the freezer. Now, common sense suggests that the purpose of the ice cream maker is that you take the bowl and put it in the machine and turn it on. But apparently I'm too colonial to see that. Chris called me on it and I annoyingly told him he could finish because apparently I wasn't born to cook (this was also frustration inspired by remnants of an earlier conversation, not with Chris, which got me on a tirade... but that is not something I need to go into detail about here). So anyway, he worked on finishing our project while I worked on the apple pie. A few minutes later, we checked and the ice cream wasn't doing ANYTHING. It was just soup. I groaned and said, FORGET IT, whatever. And Chris tried to be nice and say it was OK... and then three minutes later, he looked at it again and ended up right there with me cursing in the kitchen. The pie got put in the oven and I showered and spent five minutes being pissed off at my hair because it's long and sheds and doesn't ever look nice like other people's... and this is not something I am normally mad about or care about but alas, I was in just the right mood to whine. I went back downstairs to check on the pie and of course the edges were starting to burn so I tried to finagle some tinfoil over the top (which is not easy and resulted in a few painful moments). Meanwhile, Chris started asking me questions about something else and I snapped and said, "I'm gonna burn myself! And I don't know what I'm doing anyway! So why are you asking me?" I shoved the pie back in the oven and we decided to get some dishes done. Three dishes in, Chris ended up with water all down the front of his pants and just stopped dead in his tracks. Well, that was all it took... I put my head on the counter and burst out laughing. I finally just looked at him, barely able to breathe and was like, "Ok. This is just comical now. Look at us." So he ran off to change his clothes, I finished the dishes extraordinarily half-assed and we jumped into the car JUST IN TIME. We drove to the house blasting Linkin Park. Enough said.
The house party was a blast... good food, good drinks, Sam running with a firey log that had to be lit inside because the wind was too strong.... you know, just another normal night in Noblesville (woah, alliteration). There was a great turn out and we ended up staying til about 1 in the morning.... what wild kids we are.
Sunday was... calmer? Hahah.... Yes, calmer. We went to Target for ingredients for baked mac and cheese (MMMMM) and re-did the ice cream (it came out AWESOME). We also did a little shopping at Old Navy ANNNNNNNNNND went to the Apple Store at Conner Prairie with Mer and Sam. We went in hungry and left with two cider donuts, a caramel apple, rock candy, tomato/basil bisque mix, and a biscuit mix. MMM MMM MMM (remember that healthy eating plan??? Yep, we will start fresh again today). Once home, we made the baked mac and cheese and oh my god, it was to DIE for. Then Chris studied, I attempted to learn more chords on the guitar, and we both spent a few hours watching House reruns. All in all a good weekend :)
Let's see anything else to report? You're probably totally done with reading right now. I am very long-winded, a pompous windbag as 5 year old Kristen would say. Off to master Stats (kill me), nanny, and run (yes, run, it will happen).
Lots of love!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Honest Writer Moments
I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a good writer... and I think it means brutal honesty, which can be scary sometimes. Not that I'm hoping to land a career as a writer (even though it sounds like fun), but because I know that when people write and I connect, it's because they've given me something to laugh about, cry about, or think about.
In that light, I have figured something out about myself and how I can begin to predict the roller coaster moments down this new path. It's about homesickness, how it hits, and how to change your attitude.
I have had a great week so far and I think it had a lot to do with spending time with people I know very well and love lots, coupled with a busy schedule, time out for myself to just enjoy a moment, and a new healthy eating plan (more on this later). But last night, at a charity event we went too, it hit me hard again. You know what it is? Jealousy of familiarity. I am hopelessly jealous of those who go to an event and get to see people from college, chat about work, and look comfortable in their own skin. I feel like right now, people I meet aren't getting the real me. The real me who would've been loud and telling the story instead of always listening or the one who would've been dancing on the dance floor and not standing awkwardly in the corner. And when someone asks what I do for work and I downplay my day, "Oh I'm just a nanny..." or when they ask where I'm taking classes, "Ohh, just over at _________" I end up feeling worse. No, NO just. I am a nanny, I take care of two awesome kids and run myself ragged everyday keeping them happy, healthy, and safe. It's not easy and I will tell you this: I give SO much credit to stay at home moms because I'm 100% positive I couldn't do it. I love and adore kids but that is NO easy job. At an actual "workplace", you have other adults to talk to and moments of downtime. With little kids you are ON. And I don't JUST take classes.. I am taking two difficult classes and working hard to learn the material well so that I can be not a good but a GREAT nurse/NP someday. So from this moment on, I am taking JUST out of my vocabulary. Done and done.
Furthermore, I need to stop feeling like everytime I get into a situation where everyone shares a common background (be it school, hometown, or job) that I will be an outsider forever. Because someday, I will have co-workers to hang out with. And hopefully someday I will be in a place where occasionally I get to see MY college friends and visit my campus and reminisce. I need to stop feeling like I no longer have a choice in where the future leads not only me, but us. Because sometimes I feel like, well you moved here, so that's that. You made the first concession, you will make the last. False, false, false. I have never been told that and therefore I must discontinue the assumption that I will forever feel out of place or new in town. This is my life too. And I have control over where it takes me now and always. I just need to make sure to speak up and say how I feel, which is not always easy, but getting much better as of late.
For those of you who have never moved into someone else's space, I will tell you what the struggle is/will be: if you go somewhere alone, you have the freedom of creating your own routine. You throw yourself into activities you love, meet people, say YES to anything and everything that comes your way. It's a self-created, independent adventure, which is horribly exhilerating. If you move somewhere new WITH someone else, you both learn your routines and make friends simultaneously. When you move into someone else's space who already has an established routine, you immediately feel the need to conform to how they do things. At least I do. You go with the flow and feel a little less than comfortable saying, "Actually, I'd rather __________." And it makes sense because you sort of feel like the perpetual guest. The challenge is in learning to accept (as my friend Holly always says), that you have been invited to SHARE a space EQUALLY by someone who loves you very much. And it's ok to do things your way sometimes or suggest that things are done differently. Because now it's your space too.
And I'm saying all of these things knowing well that most of you are reading this thinking, Ohh goodness, ridiculous, BUT the thing is, when I put these thoughts on paper I am able to be both subjective and objective. Yes, this is how I personally feel but NO, I don't need to feel this way. It's like I am therapist and client to myself when I write. So I recognize the fact that it's crazy for me to feel that at age 25 I have just conceded my entire life to someone else's wants. And it's crazy to feel like I'm not doing enough. And it's crazy to think that I can't be honest and say I am tired at 10:00, because I am. So let's all acknowledge together that I know what I need to work on and shift the attitude. This is an equal partnership, nothing more, nothing less.
Anyway, it felt good to clear my head and get those thoughts out. Just went for a nice long walk with Mer and that was a great way to clear out the cobwebs even more. We had coffee and chatted and got in some awesome exercise before I had to hit the books and go to work. Plus, the amount of exercise I've gotten in this week along with a new healthy eating plan are working wonders for my state of mind. I needed to take control because I felt like I was starting to become an emotional eater again (think college... ugh, no, don't think college). And now that I'm seeing the numbers on the scale go back down where they belong, I am feeling like one piece of the puzzle is sliding into place.
On a more exciting note, there is a fun weekend ahead! Once I finish plowing through this school work, here's what lies on docket:
1) I'm taking myself out tonight (it was supposed to be date night but Chris found out yesterday that he has to work til ten... BUMMER! I had such a fun date planned... but alas, that's life). So after work I am going to finish any school work that is still outstanding and then head to a nice, chill venue downtown for a glass of wine and some reading (nerd I know). After that, I plan on buying myself a new pair of running shoes (might be a good idea to start training for that 10K happening in October, WOOPS!) and then I might go see a movie. One of my favorite indulgences in life is going to the movies alone. Is that weird? Maybe.
2) Tomorrow is supposed to feel more like fall and be absolutely beautiful. So I am going to get up, run, and hit the Apple Store at Connor Prairie. I want fresh apples and maybe a homemade treat :) Then back home to back apple pies (mostly because I want the house to smell good like my little house in Maine smells this time of year). And Saturday night is Mer and Sam's housewarming party! Beer pong and cornhole ahead... hopefully the beer pong BEFORE the cornhole so that I have a shot at playing well (don't ask. Just a strategy of mine).
3) Sunday? Who knows... but hopefully something outside. Maybe a bike ride... maybe some more self-teaching on the guitar...
Ahhh just seeing all these plans typed out makes me smile :)
Ok kids, time to crack down... have a fabulous Friday!
In that light, I have figured something out about myself and how I can begin to predict the roller coaster moments down this new path. It's about homesickness, how it hits, and how to change your attitude.
I have had a great week so far and I think it had a lot to do with spending time with people I know very well and love lots, coupled with a busy schedule, time out for myself to just enjoy a moment, and a new healthy eating plan (more on this later). But last night, at a charity event we went too, it hit me hard again. You know what it is? Jealousy of familiarity. I am hopelessly jealous of those who go to an event and get to see people from college, chat about work, and look comfortable in their own skin. I feel like right now, people I meet aren't getting the real me. The real me who would've been loud and telling the story instead of always listening or the one who would've been dancing on the dance floor and not standing awkwardly in the corner. And when someone asks what I do for work and I downplay my day, "Oh I'm just a nanny..." or when they ask where I'm taking classes, "Ohh, just over at _________" I end up feeling worse. No, NO just. I am a nanny, I take care of two awesome kids and run myself ragged everyday keeping them happy, healthy, and safe. It's not easy and I will tell you this: I give SO much credit to stay at home moms because I'm 100% positive I couldn't do it. I love and adore kids but that is NO easy job. At an actual "workplace", you have other adults to talk to and moments of downtime. With little kids you are ON. And I don't JUST take classes.. I am taking two difficult classes and working hard to learn the material well so that I can be not a good but a GREAT nurse/NP someday. So from this moment on, I am taking JUST out of my vocabulary. Done and done.
Furthermore, I need to stop feeling like everytime I get into a situation where everyone shares a common background (be it school, hometown, or job) that I will be an outsider forever. Because someday, I will have co-workers to hang out with. And hopefully someday I will be in a place where occasionally I get to see MY college friends and visit my campus and reminisce. I need to stop feeling like I no longer have a choice in where the future leads not only me, but us. Because sometimes I feel like, well you moved here, so that's that. You made the first concession, you will make the last. False, false, false. I have never been told that and therefore I must discontinue the assumption that I will forever feel out of place or new in town. This is my life too. And I have control over where it takes me now and always. I just need to make sure to speak up and say how I feel, which is not always easy, but getting much better as of late.
For those of you who have never moved into someone else's space, I will tell you what the struggle is/will be: if you go somewhere alone, you have the freedom of creating your own routine. You throw yourself into activities you love, meet people, say YES to anything and everything that comes your way. It's a self-created, independent adventure, which is horribly exhilerating. If you move somewhere new WITH someone else, you both learn your routines and make friends simultaneously. When you move into someone else's space who already has an established routine, you immediately feel the need to conform to how they do things. At least I do. You go with the flow and feel a little less than comfortable saying, "Actually, I'd rather __________." And it makes sense because you sort of feel like the perpetual guest. The challenge is in learning to accept (as my friend Holly always says), that you have been invited to SHARE a space EQUALLY by someone who loves you very much. And it's ok to do things your way sometimes or suggest that things are done differently. Because now it's your space too.
And I'm saying all of these things knowing well that most of you are reading this thinking, Ohh goodness, ridiculous, BUT the thing is, when I put these thoughts on paper I am able to be both subjective and objective. Yes, this is how I personally feel but NO, I don't need to feel this way. It's like I am therapist and client to myself when I write. So I recognize the fact that it's crazy for me to feel that at age 25 I have just conceded my entire life to someone else's wants. And it's crazy to feel like I'm not doing enough. And it's crazy to think that I can't be honest and say I am tired at 10:00, because I am. So let's all acknowledge together that I know what I need to work on and shift the attitude. This is an equal partnership, nothing more, nothing less.
Anyway, it felt good to clear my head and get those thoughts out. Just went for a nice long walk with Mer and that was a great way to clear out the cobwebs even more. We had coffee and chatted and got in some awesome exercise before I had to hit the books and go to work. Plus, the amount of exercise I've gotten in this week along with a new healthy eating plan are working wonders for my state of mind. I needed to take control because I felt like I was starting to become an emotional eater again (think college... ugh, no, don't think college). And now that I'm seeing the numbers on the scale go back down where they belong, I am feeling like one piece of the puzzle is sliding into place.
On a more exciting note, there is a fun weekend ahead! Once I finish plowing through this school work, here's what lies on docket:
1) I'm taking myself out tonight (it was supposed to be date night but Chris found out yesterday that he has to work til ten... BUMMER! I had such a fun date planned... but alas, that's life). So after work I am going to finish any school work that is still outstanding and then head to a nice, chill venue downtown for a glass of wine and some reading (nerd I know). After that, I plan on buying myself a new pair of running shoes (might be a good idea to start training for that 10K happening in October, WOOPS!) and then I might go see a movie. One of my favorite indulgences in life is going to the movies alone. Is that weird? Maybe.
2) Tomorrow is supposed to feel more like fall and be absolutely beautiful. So I am going to get up, run, and hit the Apple Store at Connor Prairie. I want fresh apples and maybe a homemade treat :) Then back home to back apple pies (mostly because I want the house to smell good like my little house in Maine smells this time of year). And Saturday night is Mer and Sam's housewarming party! Beer pong and cornhole ahead... hopefully the beer pong BEFORE the cornhole so that I have a shot at playing well (don't ask. Just a strategy of mine).
3) Sunday? Who knows... but hopefully something outside. Maybe a bike ride... maybe some more self-teaching on the guitar...
Ahhh just seeing all these plans typed out makes me smile :)
Ok kids, time to crack down... have a fabulous Friday!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Boston Meets Indy Meets Chi-Town
Hi kids,

It's been a few days but there is a very good reason for that. You see, I spent this past weekend in Chicago visiting my darling Melissa who was visiting her friends that I can now lovingly call my darling Heather and Allie. That was a mouthful and furthermore, a poorly constructed sentence. I apologize for that.
Anywho, let's back it up to Friday. Friday started off in a not so great way... did well on an A&P quiz followed by a not-so-hot stats quiz. Apparently it takes me longer than 75 minutes to do 25 3-4 part problems. I am going to have to get a little faster at using these formulas and graphs. But alas, had a good day with the kids I nanny and came home to a very sweet and understanding guy who knew all the right things to say. I readjusted my thinking (and stopped threatening to tie cement blocks to my feet and jump into a lake) and studied hard for my A&P exam (yes, a quiz and exam in the same week. Fair you ask? I think not).
Then, Saturday morning I woke up bright and early and hit the road for Chicago!!!!!!!!!! Three and a half hours, endless cornfields, and a pumpkin spice latte later, I was in Chicago with my clone.
Before I begin with a recap, let me just say that Chicago might be one of my all-time favorite cities. It's fun, active, and has a bit of a Boston feel which I love :) I can see why everyone has been raving about it for so long.
Ok ok, back to the recap. So after I parked my car, Melissa, Heather and I dropped my stuff off at Heather and Brian's apartment. It is SO damn cute. Great colors, one brick wall, fun art and frames, a fireplace.... something you would picture on the set of "Friends." After a few quick hellos, we headed down to Navy Pier. It was pretty awesome to walk with the city on your right and the water on your left. It also felt good to WALK! I have been less active than I care for these past few weeks and bombing around a city by foot was just the fix I needed.
Once we had seen the pier, we moved onto Michigan Ave, THE street in Chicago. Lined with top- of- the- line stores (think Tiffany's, Coach, and Niketown), it was bustling with tourists and natives alike. After some window shopping, we stumbled upon a wedding! The bride was outside having her picture taken and was absolutely beautiful. Strapless dress, gorgeous updo, roses in hand... a beautiful city moment.
Eventually, we were tired, hungry and ready for the next event- dinner in Wrigleyville! The girls and some of their friends were headed to the Dave Matthew's concert that night so I went with them for dinner across from the stadium and then we parted ways. I remind you of the A&P exam that I had to take. Boo. So while they jammed to the college favorite, I sat in the apartment and took a two hour long test (which went very well, thank GOD).
I was asleep long before they got home (such a lame-o), but was glad once Sunday rolled around and we were gearing up for another day of site seeing (good to have some solid rest and energy). After a yummy homemade breakfast, we hopped on the brown line and headed to Millennium Park. We saw the bean and took some great pics and then
watched/listened to a symphony rehearsing in the park. After that, we moved onto the fountains and eventually to a few shops closer to the apartment. Last but not least, we dined on deep dish pizza and the chocolate chip cookie dessert (AHHHHH) at Lou Malnati's. Heaven, heaven, heaven.

And here I sit in Indiana, on Monday night, surrounded by art projects and updating my favorite readers on life in the midwest. A great weekend and a great start to the week indeed.... Two interesting factoids before I go:
And here I sit in Indiana, on Monday night, surrounded by art projects and updating my favorite readers on life in the midwest. A great weekend and a great start to the week indeed.... Two interesting factoids before I go:
1) I am working on growing some fun herbs. Here are the crafty little pots I created.
2) Today, the little girl I nanny for said to me, "Mariah, you need to have some kids. I am bored." I explained to her that she has a one-year old brother to hang out with. Her response? "Ya, but he's a baby and doesn't do anything. Plus, it's against the law to NOT have kids. I know. And you need to have 98."
OK. Right. Good.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Early Mornings...
I love being awake in the morning, right when it's starting to get light out but the sky is still painted like some sort of watercolor. It reminds me of those Folger's commercials where there is a smiling girl or guy in a bathrobe who looks out the window and waves to a neighbor and then sits and drinks their coffee which makes their smile even bigger. It also reminds me of school and school buses and how I loved both when I was little....and school and school buses remind me of fall, which reminds me of foliage and apples and pumpkins... mmm. I digress.
It is Wednesday which means in two days I get to see Miss Meliss in Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!! And that makes me very very happy :) I have never been and while it will be a bit of a whirlwind tour, it's absolutely worth it. So now I just have to make it through to Friday- which means my first Stats and A&P tests. Oh good lord. Please send positive thoughts into the universe. I am doing all the work and studying hard so I'm hoping that means something for me in the end. And actually, it feels really good to have to think hard and push my brain out of its comfort zone. Especially since we are out of blueberries and normally I just pop a few of those to keep the mush intact. Not even kidding... ummmm antioxidants?
So here's another exciting fact... last night our doorbell rang. Now I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but you would've thought it was Christmas morning. We're sitting on the couch playing with the T-Pain Auto Tune App (more on this later), the doorbell rings, we stare at each other (totally confused) and go, "ummm.... should we get that?" We eventually decide we should and when we go downstairs there is this super friendly woman from the neighborhood handing us a flyer for a Pitch In! I just about died. A get to know your neighbor party! BYO beverage and a dish to share! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I think I thanked her 90 times, asked if we could do anything, offered up my dissection/beer pong table, told her we'd be there and then damn near squealed when we shut the door. I have always dreamed of being in a neighborhood like the one I grew up in where people just mill around outside and chat, kids play together, and if you need a cup of sugar, you don't even knock, you just walk right in the person's house. Ok, slight embellishment at the end there. I'll admit it. We used to knock. Anyway, I think it'll be really nice to spend time getting to know our neighbors and hopefully there will be a great turnout.
Now back to the T-Pain Auto Tune App... which I know you're all dying to hear about. Basically, there is a new app online that you can download which makes your voice sound like T-Pain's. I cannot write out what that sounds like so if you don't know, the good lord (or some computer guy) invented Google, soooo use it. Anyway, Chris discovered this and I think he had us sing upwards of ten songs into his phone so that he could mutate our voices. I left him downstairs for about ten minutes and while I was upstairs could hear him singing all by himself. Hahahah... I had to laugh because it's so what I would've done. I've used my phone for songwriting so much it's absurd. Anyhow, good to know we're capable of self-entertainment in this house.
ANNNNND I would like to let the world know that we had REALLY good food last night that we COOKED. Steak marinated in Caribbean Jerk sauce, peppers, salad (with feta, cranberries, walnuts and balsamic), and rice. Then for dessert (orrrr just more snacks) we had homemade pretzels!!!! I'm going to have to start taking pictures or something because I KNOW nobody believes us.
Last but not least, I need to learn how to play this guitar. It's sitting, staring at me. And I really, really want to know how to play it. I am going to be patient (very hard for me) and keep looking up strategies and chords online. Will give you the update on that soon.
OOOO OOO one more thing... please check out my friend Ashley's blog because she is an AWESOME chef/baker and her cupcakes are really starting to take off. Follow her blog and salivate everyday like I do. No seriously, I've eaten her food many times and she is a rockstar. http://www.aisforashleyrebecca.blogspot.com/
It is Wednesday which means in two days I get to see Miss Meliss in Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!! And that makes me very very happy :) I have never been and while it will be a bit of a whirlwind tour, it's absolutely worth it. So now I just have to make it through to Friday- which means my first Stats and A&P tests. Oh good lord. Please send positive thoughts into the universe. I am doing all the work and studying hard so I'm hoping that means something for me in the end. And actually, it feels really good to have to think hard and push my brain out of its comfort zone. Especially since we are out of blueberries and normally I just pop a few of those to keep the mush intact. Not even kidding... ummmm antioxidants?
So here's another exciting fact... last night our doorbell rang. Now I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but you would've thought it was Christmas morning. We're sitting on the couch playing with the T-Pain Auto Tune App (more on this later), the doorbell rings, we stare at each other (totally confused) and go, "ummm.... should we get that?" We eventually decide we should and when we go downstairs there is this super friendly woman from the neighborhood handing us a flyer for a Pitch In! I just about died. A get to know your neighbor party! BYO beverage and a dish to share! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I think I thanked her 90 times, asked if we could do anything, offered up my dissection/beer pong table, told her we'd be there and then damn near squealed when we shut the door. I have always dreamed of being in a neighborhood like the one I grew up in where people just mill around outside and chat, kids play together, and if you need a cup of sugar, you don't even knock, you just walk right in the person's house. Ok, slight embellishment at the end there. I'll admit it. We used to knock. Anyway, I think it'll be really nice to spend time getting to know our neighbors and hopefully there will be a great turnout.
Now back to the T-Pain Auto Tune App... which I know you're all dying to hear about. Basically, there is a new app online that you can download which makes your voice sound like T-Pain's. I cannot write out what that sounds like so if you don't know, the good lord (or some computer guy) invented Google, soooo use it. Anyway, Chris discovered this and I think he had us sing upwards of ten songs into his phone so that he could mutate our voices. I left him downstairs for about ten minutes and while I was upstairs could hear him singing all by himself. Hahahah... I had to laugh because it's so what I would've done. I've used my phone for songwriting so much it's absurd. Anyhow, good to know we're capable of self-entertainment in this house.
ANNNNND I would like to let the world know that we had REALLY good food last night that we COOKED. Steak marinated in Caribbean Jerk sauce, peppers, salad (with feta, cranberries, walnuts and balsamic), and rice. Then for dessert (orrrr just more snacks) we had homemade pretzels!!!! I'm going to have to start taking pictures or something because I KNOW nobody believes us.
Last but not least, I need to learn how to play this guitar. It's sitting, staring at me. And I really, really want to know how to play it. I am going to be patient (very hard for me) and keep looking up strategies and chords online. Will give you the update on that soon.
OOOO OOO one more thing... please check out my friend Ashley's blog because she is an AWESOME chef/baker and her cupcakes are really starting to take off. Follow her blog and salivate everyday like I do. No seriously, I've eaten her food many times and she is a rockstar. http://www.aisforashleyrebecca.blogspot.com/
Monday, September 13, 2010
Caution: Slight Rant at the Beginning.
Today I am frustrated. I am frustrated and I need to write and so if you don't want to read the rant of a very frustrated 25-year old, stop reading. Trust me on this.
I am going to write a book someday and it's going to be called, "How to Make Good Choices at 17 When You Know Nothing." It's going to be about how to pick the right college. And how to pick the right career path upfront. And how to stop listening to people tell you that money doesn't buy happiness because it sure as hell helps. It's going to be about how to stop your mind from racing when you get crazy notions that you want to save the world and the children and the environment. It's going to be about learning how to be happy without being constantly comfortable and overstimulated by activities and and a social circle. When I write this book, well, I will have figured out all those how-to's.
Ok and now I'm going to stop ranting and feeling like I'm going to lose my mind (since all of this has stemmed from a conversation with a school loan company). I am going to remind myself that I loved my college and I learned a lot and made excellent friends there. And that I was challenged to think about the world and what it needs to be a better place. And that it is much more important to leave your mark on the world because you loved and were generous and put others before yourself and that if you die with one penny in your bank account but you made one person's life better in some way than you died rich. And that I am blessed because I had parents who supported my dreams, whether it was to become fluent in Spanish, dance competitively, sing, try law school, travel abroad, or move to Indiana to become a nurse and live with someone I love. And that I just had a dear friend drive four hours to visit me and tell me that I am the happiest and most comfortable with myself that she has ever seen. And for a girl who makes fun of herself relentlessly because it is easier to just acknowledge her flaws verbally than to allow others to think them privately, that is the ultimate compliment.
Ok, I feel better now. Sorry about that. Stress eats away at me if I don't write. And deep down to my core I belief the latter half of this post far more than the beginning and I will continue with positive affirmations that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and that life gives back to you what you put into it. So to be patient and know that things do work out. My friend Maro, god love her, reminded me last week that all of our lives we are taught to wait for feedback from everyone. Our parents, our teachers, our friends. We look for gold stars on our papers, medals at the end of a race, promotions at work. We constantly seek people out to tell us we are valuable in some way. And when suddenly there is no feedback because you are taking online classes, nannying alone with small children, and still waiting to grow your social circle, it can be difficult to sit and be content with yourself. But it will come. It might not come right away, but it WILL.
Now for the fun stuff... last week I bought a guitar!!!! Chris and I learned to tune it but it's tricky to play. Might need to take a lesson or two to get started. And, like I said, my friend Holly came to visit and that was a blast. So good to catch up with a friend you've known for 7 years... she and Chris and I went to a winery in Fishers (total blast) and cooked delicious Thai Food complete with homemade blueberry sorbet for dinner. Then last night, Chris and I went to Mer and Sam's for the Packer's game and Brats (not to be confused with small, unruly children). All in all a good week and weekend... and now it's Monday and I am going to readjust my attitude, go nanny, study hard, and keep the big girl pants on ;)
More later... xoxo
I am going to write a book someday and it's going to be called, "How to Make Good Choices at 17 When You Know Nothing." It's going to be about how to pick the right college. And how to pick the right career path upfront. And how to stop listening to people tell you that money doesn't buy happiness because it sure as hell helps. It's going to be about how to stop your mind from racing when you get crazy notions that you want to save the world and the children and the environment. It's going to be about learning how to be happy without being constantly comfortable and overstimulated by activities and and a social circle. When I write this book, well, I will have figured out all those how-to's.
Ok and now I'm going to stop ranting and feeling like I'm going to lose my mind (since all of this has stemmed from a conversation with a school loan company). I am going to remind myself that I loved my college and I learned a lot and made excellent friends there. And that I was challenged to think about the world and what it needs to be a better place. And that it is much more important to leave your mark on the world because you loved and were generous and put others before yourself and that if you die with one penny in your bank account but you made one person's life better in some way than you died rich. And that I am blessed because I had parents who supported my dreams, whether it was to become fluent in Spanish, dance competitively, sing, try law school, travel abroad, or move to Indiana to become a nurse and live with someone I love. And that I just had a dear friend drive four hours to visit me and tell me that I am the happiest and most comfortable with myself that she has ever seen. And for a girl who makes fun of herself relentlessly because it is easier to just acknowledge her flaws verbally than to allow others to think them privately, that is the ultimate compliment.
Ok, I feel better now. Sorry about that. Stress eats away at me if I don't write. And deep down to my core I belief the latter half of this post far more than the beginning and I will continue with positive affirmations that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and that life gives back to you what you put into it. So to be patient and know that things do work out. My friend Maro, god love her, reminded me last week that all of our lives we are taught to wait for feedback from everyone. Our parents, our teachers, our friends. We look for gold stars on our papers, medals at the end of a race, promotions at work. We constantly seek people out to tell us we are valuable in some way. And when suddenly there is no feedback because you are taking online classes, nannying alone with small children, and still waiting to grow your social circle, it can be difficult to sit and be content with yourself. But it will come. It might not come right away, but it WILL.
Now for the fun stuff... last week I bought a guitar!!!! Chris and I learned to tune it but it's tricky to play. Might need to take a lesson or two to get started. And, like I said, my friend Holly came to visit and that was a blast. So good to catch up with a friend you've known for 7 years... she and Chris and I went to a winery in Fishers (total blast) and cooked delicious Thai Food complete with homemade blueberry sorbet for dinner. Then last night, Chris and I went to Mer and Sam's for the Packer's game and Brats (not to be confused with small, unruly children). All in all a good week and weekend... and now it's Monday and I am going to readjust my attitude, go nanny, study hard, and keep the big girl pants on ;)
More later... xoxo
Monday, September 6, 2010
Reflections on Labor Day
While running this morning, I started reflecting on a few things- the first (and most random) being what it must be like to go into labor on LABOR DAY. Because aside from the irony of it all, you know that there will be at least one awesome, brilliant family member that shows up at the hospital and cracks some joke about how "fitting it is" or laughs and says "Happy Labor Day!" And you, as the pregnant woman, are probably thinking, "If I wasn't sucking on ice chips and completely exhausted right now I would reach up and slug you." So to all you pregnant women out there about to go into labor right now, I apologize in advance for your "hilarious" Uncle Billy.
Ok, that really had nothing to do with this blog but as the writer, I decided I would take some creative liberties. Moving right along....
A relevant thought that occured to me while running is how Chris and I have been cooking lots of different types of foods since I moved in and have yet to poison one another or suffer some major kitchen catastrophe. This is humorous to me given the fact that neither one of us is truly a stellar chef. But somehow, we're making stuff that (wait for it)... tastes good. I will never forget the first time he came to visit me in Boston and I tried to be all cute and make some delicious pasta meal and the pasta completely disintegrated. So the two of us ate mushy, tasteless pasta with tasteless sauce at my rickety little kitchen table... and felt slightly ill afterwards. I remember looking at our bowls of pasta and thinking about something that a friend's mom had said to me a few years back which was, "As long as you can cook, you can win a man's heart." I sighed and thought, well, it was fun while it lasted. But low and behold, we have moved forward from that day and last night made a very tasty chili!
Ok another thought while running today was that I need to run MORE. I joked this morning that I was going to become the reindeer sweater* wearing old lady far too soon if I didn't get up and move. It's incredible how much walking I did in the city that I don't do now.... I need to remember that or the 400 pound woman that lives inside me will actually eat me.
I would also like to point out that the tone of my last few blogs has been slightly negative. Sarcastic and funny, perhaps, but negative. And I would like to reassure you all that I am not standing on a ledge somewhere with cement blocks attached to my feet. Writing and passive-aggressive humor are my two greatest outlets in life (aside from music, of course, which would be made easier if a) I had a guitar and b) I knew how to play it). But actually, aside from the occasional insecure moment or frustration with the newness of everything, I am also having a lot of fun. I really love my classes (though I will be honest and say to you that I am not a HUGE fan of the online approach... or of microscope assembly after my quiz on Saturday) and the kids I am nannying are absolutely awesome and make my whole day. It's hard to feel sad when you have a one-year old with his arms wrapped around your leg, smiling up at you with his chubby cheeks and a precocious 4-year old who doesn't want you to leave at the end of the day. Maybe that's why I've always loved kids. They just see you for you... they don't care what you do or how you look or what you have. If you give them a band-aid when they fall or play tag with them in the backyard, they love you for life.
Ok, one last recap before I actually shower and hit the books (cuz both need to happen badly... especially the first one). This weekend was a blast! Friday night we went out to the Cheesecake Factory and ohhh yummm.... that may just be my all-time favorite restaurant. I think we had leftovers til yesterday! Saturday I had a somewhat disasterous morning due to technology (and that is all I will say about that) but then had a great afternoon. We went over to New Friend Heather's house (I am so proud of myself for getting us invited somewhere) to watch the Purdue- Notre Dame game. Everyone at the house was a Purdue fan so I stayed quiet about my love for Notre Dame (how can you not love the Fightin' Irish, especially when your Grampy loved them for years?!)... and Notre Dame won, soooooo I was pleased. Not that I really follow football, but I'm getting there. Saturday night we went out with, wait for it, ELIZABETH GROTTON who happened to be in town on a babysitting job!!!!! What a crazy coincidence! We all went out to Brother's for beer and apps and then brought her back to the house to hang out and eat some leftover cake. It was awesome to see her and fun to mix my two worlds.
Sunday Chris made us some delicious nachos while I chatted with my sister and looked online at the bridesmaids' dresses we are wearing for our cousin Seana's wedding. Love love love them :) So excited for Seana's wedding.... she is going to be the most beautiful bride! And we all love Dan, so it makes it that much better.
After nachos we went grocery shopping and what did I learn from that experience? A) That no one here is ever in the big hurry that I am (which is actually code for me being spastic) and B) shoving things like strawberries onto a belt at the checkout when there's actually no room for them because you are being impatient will only result in a karmic spill. I have learned my lesson. Slow. It. Down. You are NOT, contrary to your own belief, on fire. We came home after that and watched a bit more One Tree Hill (ohhh such a guilty pleasure) and then made chili and corn muffins. Yum! Then around 8, I went out and met Elizabeth one more time for a coffee and a chat. All in all, a superb weekend with great people.
Okkkkkkkkk really, I gotta go now.
*The reindeer sweater reference has to do with a dream of mine to one day work at a chocolate shop at the foot of the Swiss Alps. I want to wear reindeer sweaters and leggings, make candy, and then live in a loft upstairs where I can sit on a window seat and read and drink hot chocolate all night while the snow falls outside... and of course, out my window will be a picturesque European street made of cobblestone with quaint houses and stores on either side. Here is a picture of said sweater: http://anniesue.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/reindeer_600.jpg
Ok, that really had nothing to do with this blog but as the writer, I decided I would take some creative liberties. Moving right along....
A relevant thought that occured to me while running is how Chris and I have been cooking lots of different types of foods since I moved in and have yet to poison one another or suffer some major kitchen catastrophe. This is humorous to me given the fact that neither one of us is truly a stellar chef. But somehow, we're making stuff that (wait for it)... tastes good. I will never forget the first time he came to visit me in Boston and I tried to be all cute and make some delicious pasta meal and the pasta completely disintegrated. So the two of us ate mushy, tasteless pasta with tasteless sauce at my rickety little kitchen table... and felt slightly ill afterwards. I remember looking at our bowls of pasta and thinking about something that a friend's mom had said to me a few years back which was, "As long as you can cook, you can win a man's heart." I sighed and thought, well, it was fun while it lasted. But low and behold, we have moved forward from that day and last night made a very tasty chili!
Ok another thought while running today was that I need to run MORE. I joked this morning that I was going to become the reindeer sweater* wearing old lady far too soon if I didn't get up and move. It's incredible how much walking I did in the city that I don't do now.... I need to remember that or the 400 pound woman that lives inside me will actually eat me.
I would also like to point out that the tone of my last few blogs has been slightly negative. Sarcastic and funny, perhaps, but negative. And I would like to reassure you all that I am not standing on a ledge somewhere with cement blocks attached to my feet. Writing and passive-aggressive humor are my two greatest outlets in life (aside from music, of course, which would be made easier if a) I had a guitar and b) I knew how to play it). But actually, aside from the occasional insecure moment or frustration with the newness of everything, I am also having a lot of fun. I really love my classes (though I will be honest and say to you that I am not a HUGE fan of the online approach... or of microscope assembly after my quiz on Saturday) and the kids I am nannying are absolutely awesome and make my whole day. It's hard to feel sad when you have a one-year old with his arms wrapped around your leg, smiling up at you with his chubby cheeks and a precocious 4-year old who doesn't want you to leave at the end of the day. Maybe that's why I've always loved kids. They just see you for you... they don't care what you do or how you look or what you have. If you give them a band-aid when they fall or play tag with them in the backyard, they love you for life.
Ok, one last recap before I actually shower and hit the books (cuz both need to happen badly... especially the first one). This weekend was a blast! Friday night we went out to the Cheesecake Factory and ohhh yummm.... that may just be my all-time favorite restaurant. I think we had leftovers til yesterday! Saturday I had a somewhat disasterous morning due to technology (and that is all I will say about that) but then had a great afternoon. We went over to New Friend Heather's house (I am so proud of myself for getting us invited somewhere) to watch the Purdue- Notre Dame game. Everyone at the house was a Purdue fan so I stayed quiet about my love for Notre Dame (how can you not love the Fightin' Irish, especially when your Grampy loved them for years?!)... and Notre Dame won, soooooo I was pleased. Not that I really follow football, but I'm getting there. Saturday night we went out with, wait for it, ELIZABETH GROTTON who happened to be in town on a babysitting job!!!!! What a crazy coincidence! We all went out to Brother's for beer and apps and then brought her back to the house to hang out and eat some leftover cake. It was awesome to see her and fun to mix my two worlds.
Sunday Chris made us some delicious nachos while I chatted with my sister and looked online at the bridesmaids' dresses we are wearing for our cousin Seana's wedding. Love love love them :) So excited for Seana's wedding.... she is going to be the most beautiful bride! And we all love Dan, so it makes it that much better.
After nachos we went grocery shopping and what did I learn from that experience? A) That no one here is ever in the big hurry that I am (which is actually code for me being spastic) and B) shoving things like strawberries onto a belt at the checkout when there's actually no room for them because you are being impatient will only result in a karmic spill. I have learned my lesson. Slow. It. Down. You are NOT, contrary to your own belief, on fire. We came home after that and watched a bit more One Tree Hill (ohhh such a guilty pleasure) and then made chili and corn muffins. Yum! Then around 8, I went out and met Elizabeth one more time for a coffee and a chat. All in all, a superb weekend with great people.
Okkkkkkkkk really, I gotta go now.
*The reindeer sweater reference has to do with a dream of mine to one day work at a chocolate shop at the foot of the Swiss Alps. I want to wear reindeer sweaters and leggings, make candy, and then live in a loft upstairs where I can sit on a window seat and read and drink hot chocolate all night while the snow falls outside... and of course, out my window will be a picturesque European street made of cobblestone with quaint houses and stores on either side. Here is a picture of said sweater: http://anniesue.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/reindeer_600.jpg
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Gods Have It Out For Me
Honest to God, when I say that there is a higher power who has it out for me, I do not jest.
So today I get up, do some school work, do some errands and then head downtown to campus to get a few forms filled out/find out about health insurance. I get there and I swear to you, it must've been a block party. Totally discouraged, I drove away and headed to Starbucks to study more. The upside to this is that all the Pumpkin Spice lattes and treats are out now which makes my whole heart happy. Very indicative of Fall :)
Ok fast forward. Two hours later I am driving to go nanny and SLAM, I hit a rock, pothole, small creature, WHO KNOWS WHAT and my tire starts to hiss. Yes, the new tire I just got before driving to Indiana. The tire that costs around $75. Super. This is good since I have not received a paycheck in seven weeks. How people move all the time is beyond me. I am going to start buying scratch tickets or whistling on the side of the road for money soon.
So I pull into Whole Foods and am on my hands and knees, in a DRESS, jacking up my car. Halfway through the process, a very nice man stops to offer his help. Normally I reject help because I am too much of a feminist and like to change my own tire but at this point I was covered in grease and late for work. So he helped. Now I have a rickety little donut on my car. What have I accomplished today?
1) No health insurance- still.
2) No front right tire- just a donut.
3) No forms filled out at Ivy.
4) A bump on my head from where I hit it on the corner of a table trying to plug something in this morning.
5) A living room filled with treats and presents for a boyfriend who isn't even home on his bday.
6) Wine in my hand. I like that part.
Tomorrow is another day....
So today I get up, do some school work, do some errands and then head downtown to campus to get a few forms filled out/find out about health insurance. I get there and I swear to you, it must've been a block party. Totally discouraged, I drove away and headed to Starbucks to study more. The upside to this is that all the Pumpkin Spice lattes and treats are out now which makes my whole heart happy. Very indicative of Fall :)
Ok fast forward. Two hours later I am driving to go nanny and SLAM, I hit a rock, pothole, small creature, WHO KNOWS WHAT and my tire starts to hiss. Yes, the new tire I just got before driving to Indiana. The tire that costs around $75. Super. This is good since I have not received a paycheck in seven weeks. How people move all the time is beyond me. I am going to start buying scratch tickets or whistling on the side of the road for money soon.
So I pull into Whole Foods and am on my hands and knees, in a DRESS, jacking up my car. Halfway through the process, a very nice man stops to offer his help. Normally I reject help because I am too much of a feminist and like to change my own tire but at this point I was covered in grease and late for work. So he helped. Now I have a rickety little donut on my car. What have I accomplished today?
1) No health insurance- still.
2) No front right tire- just a donut.
3) No forms filled out at Ivy.
4) A bump on my head from where I hit it on the corner of a table trying to plug something in this morning.
5) A living room filled with treats and presents for a boyfriend who isn't even home on his bday.
6) Wine in my hand. I like that part.
Tomorrow is another day....
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