Monday, January 31, 2011

A Word I Really Like Is "Superfluous."

Whew! It's been awhile since I've written but that is because life has been just a little busy :) Let me start by saying that I have high hopes that 2011 is going to be a good year. Just a feeling I have.
It is currently 21 degrees and sunny here in Indy. Sadly, it looks like we're supposed to have freezing rain starting tonight and into tomorrow. Why is it that bad weather always seems to strike on Tuesdays, when I have to drive an hour each way to class in Kokomo? Boo. Guess I'll be leaving around 5 am tomorrow! Kidding. I hope. The exciting part of looming storms is that as a Red Cross volunteer, I am officially on the call list and ready for action. This might seem a little strange and sadistic, but imagine if you were trained as a surgeon and then never got to operate because all of a sudden, everyone was healthy? I mean, no one wants to see people feel sick or injured, but it's great to put a skill to use when it's needed. So who knows, maybe sometime this week I will be at a shelter doing some client casework!
Along those same lines, Friday I went to my First Aid meeting with Red Cross. I'm trained on paperwork/info collecting for people in a crisis, but I am eager to become recertified in CPR and AED as well as to learn about O2, compressions, basic wound and injury treatment, and taking blood pressures. I am going to start signing up for those courses so that hopefully by the end of February, I can help in a few different ways! I had Chris show me how to take a blood pressure yesterday and after some practice, I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it. Very cool stuff.
Two other things of note: 1) I got another part-time job teaching dance and Spanish to preschoolers! I ran my first two ballet classes on Saturday morning and had a blast. But I think Red Bull is in order for Saturday mornings with 3 year olds in tutus, haha. I'm pretty pumped at making some extra money and doing some teaching (another love of mine). 2) I finally donated my hair!!!! Went to the salon on Saturday afternoon and had 9 inches chopped off! I am going to remeasure myself today (it kind of looks like a little ferret in a bag right now), and determine if it's going to Beautiful Lengths or Locks of Love. Check it off the bucket list!
Funny side note: when I got home on Saturday, I'm pretty sure Chris was on fire. That's how fast he was moving anyway. I walked up the stairs to see laundry strewn around the hallway, the washer going, and my charming boyfriend flying around with a vacuum cleaner. I sort of stood there stunned for a second or two and then attempted to reenergize to help. We took a field trip to Costco for bins to organize with and bulk toilet paper (what a 25 year old couple, huh?) and then tried Target for the few things we couldn't find. By the time we got home, after the three hours of three year olds, cleaning spree, and Costco zoo, I was ready to crash. When I saw him jump up to start taking out the trash I finally demanded he sit down next to me and eat some grapes. This lasted for all of three seconds and then I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up next, I saw Chris in the kitchen, mashing potatoes for homemade gnocchi. I just laughed. What in the world? I am still convinced he drank his first coffee while I was gone that morning.
And now we find ourselves at Monday, the last day in January. Wow, this month flew!!!!! Off to study for class (so much better this semester), fax a few transcripts for review, and work! Have a great day everyone :)
Lots of love xoxo
P.S.- had the strangest dream last night where I was trying to walk but my legs we are all wobbly and kept tipping me over. I was also wearing insane high heels, like the ones Kristen always tries to dress me in when we go out (never a good idea), and I kept screaming about my calves and their optimal something or other... I gotta lay off the sugar or something.
What in the WORLD does that mean???

1 comment:

  1. You + toddlers + dance = A soon-to-be-released collection of the funniest stories ever told.
