I know this blog is all fun, philosophy, and change, but I'd like to take a moment here to discuss the fact that President Obama had to produce his birth certificate the other day.
I'm slightly concerned to read that one quarter of all Americans apparently suspect that he is here illegally or was born in another country. How very lovely that race and a name can do that. I'm a litte embarrassed right now that in times like these 1/4 of this country is focused on this ridiculous idea.
I also think it's somewhat hilarious that Trump decided to argue Obama's credentials and whether or not he deserved to go to Columbia. I mean, unlike some of our former presidents and those making billions these days, he wasn't exactly HANDED success. He lived in various countries, dealt with the divorce of his parents, remarriage, and later the death of both of them at a relatively young age. He claims to have been quiet in school, transferred colleges, and was "painfully alone."
Well good for you, Mr. Trump, who graduated from UPenn and walked into a job with daddy's company. I feel for you and your struggles.
Everyone, chill out and focus on something that matters. The rest of this crap is obnoxious and takes up far too many pages of my newspaper.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Princesses, Good Vibes, and Airport Time
I'm sitting in Chicago O'Hare Airport right now and would like to point out that my flight attendant from Indy to here was a hoot. When the plane landed she went on some rant about showing love not hatred and about telling that special someone in your life, "I love you boo. I'm so glad I have you in my life." I thought it was pretty cute, especially at 6:40 in the morning. Not many people can muster up so much as a smile, let alone a sweet dissertation on the benefits of love and peace. She also suggested we all do something to help someone else out today or this weekend... you know, make someone else happy. Well... I can't say I've done much of anything useful yet today, though I did make Chris a tiramisu for Easter last night. Who KNOWS how that came out. If he lives to tell the tale, we'll know it was edible.
This is pretty.... :) Too much "Say Yes to the Dress" last night.
I was contemplating a second ago how panicked I felt when I was sitting here in the airport and my computer kept freezing. I mean, after all, how could I POSSIBLY survive an hour with nothing to do? The art of doing nothing is a bit lost, I think. At least, it's lost on me. I remember one time last year taking a "relaxing" bubble bath with a glass of wine and Michael Buble (no, he was not in the tub with me, I mean on the stereo) and literally setting a timer to force myself to stay put and ENJOY. Part of me feels like that is just not a good thing... to have to force yourself to sit still. Because isn't that in turn just stressing you out more? So so weird. Sometimes at night I have to count backwards from ten a million times just to keep from thinking so I can fall asleep and stop worrying about the to-do list, the future, and anything else freaking me out at the moment. Chris is thrilled that he's going to have 6 weeks off between the end of his residency and when he starts his new job in Scottsdale. I, on the other hand, am completely terrified that I might have a week off from work and have been furiously job hunting and looking for part time work to get me through til I land a full-time position out there and then eventually start my RN program. Good lord. Maybe someday when I'm financially secure and not living from paycheck to paycheck or moving around so much I will learn how to enjoy downtime. For now, it just makes me feel guilty.
I'm not really sure how I got on that tangent, but I would say this large coffee has something to do with my rapid train of thought....to summarize, someday I am going to just take a trip to Vermont and stay in a little cottage and pick wildflowers or something. I swear, I will do it.
Ok moving on... a few questions for you readers:
1) When you move to a new place and have no set profession, but rather, a laundry list of random skills acquired through a variety of jobs, how do you find a great job? I mean, I do your typical indeed.com searches, "Top Places to Work in ___________" and alumni networking, but is there any other magical trick to success in all this? I am at the point where I am tired of entry-level. Four years out of college, I am ready for more responsibility and a higher income. Thoughts?
2) Does anyone else have the weird, "I can't sit still" issue?
3) WHO IS EXCITED FOR THE ROYAL WEDDING???? Because to me, it's like how a Butler alum feels about
making it to the Final Four (ahe
m). Prince William, Soon-to-be Princess Kate... castles and taffeta... oh it's all so magical. Which is weird considering I'm the girl who daydreams about getting married barefoot on the beach with sunflowers... I guess we all have that inner girl who just loves the fairytale story. Soooo I have wrangled Mer into a sleepover/mimosas at 5 am on Friday morning agreement. Feel free to join if you're in the area :)

This is pretty.... :) Too much "Say Yes to the Dress" last night.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Love Is...
Love is....
Picking out WW ice cream for me at the grocery store so that I can satisfy my sweet tooth and still be healthy and stay within my points....
Playing catch with me with t
he new mitt you bought me as a surprise...
Reminding me that the William and Kate Lifetime movie I have been dying to watch is on and sitting through the whole thing with me....
Filling my mason jars with lemons to make the house look pretty when I get
Telling me to go to bed when I am overtired from school and work and stressed that the dishes still aren't done and taking care of things....
Putting basketball on hold and snuggling on the living room floor when I ask you to.....
Love is never about grandiose gestures and expensive gifts. Love is listening and being thoughtful. I am lucky.
Onto other beautiful topics... it is a rainy, rainy day here in Indy but there are only 2 weeks left of class! WOOOHOOO! My little herbs are growing, which is super exciting, and in 4 days I will be headed home for the weekend to enjoy Easter with my big, loud, awesome family. Good stuff!
Still hunting for jobs in AZ, s
till figuring out details about the move. Started looking at furniture and decorating stuff (so adult of us, I know) and all the while, making time for loads of fun and copious amounts of wine :)
Lots of love on this stormy Tuesday! xoxo
Picking out WW ice cream for me at the grocery store so that I can satisfy my sweet tooth and still be healthy and stay within my points....
Playing catch with me with t
Reminding me that the William and Kate Lifetime movie I have been dying to watch is on and sitting through the whole thing with me....
Filling my mason jars with lemons to make the house look pretty when I get
Telling me to go to bed when I am overtired from school and work and stressed that the dishes still aren't done and taking care of things....
Putting basketball on hold and snuggling on the living room floor when I ask you to.....
Love is never about grandiose gestures and expensive gifts. Love is listening and being thoughtful. I am lucky.
Onto other beautiful topics... it is a rainy, rainy day here in Indy but there are only 2 weeks left of class! WOOOHOOO! My little herbs are growing, which is super exciting, and in 4 days I will be headed home for the weekend to enjoy Easter with my big, loud, awesome family. Good stuff!
Still hunting for jobs in AZ, s
Lots of love on this stormy Tuesday! xoxo
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Spring Has Sprung!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Blog Renovation, Sports,and Thoughts
First things first. I apologize for the weird font color issues happening right now. I am not very computer saavy but was hoping to change the template on this blog to something a little more light and happy (my other template was just too dark and depressing after awhile). Unfortunately, I cannot get the text colors on the older posts to change so if you want to read them, you'll have to highlight the post to see anything. Under construction... Moving right along... it is a gorgeous, sunny Thursday here in Indiana. I am itching to get outside but have spent the morning taking an Anatomy/Physiology exam and trying to take care of 15 other tasks I've been putting off. Soon!!! So first things first.. to all you distraught Butler fans out there- congrats on making it all the way to the national championships and remember that this loss is nothing more than fewer points on a court ONE NIGHT. The players exhibited true sportsmanship and integrity and isn't that what this is really all about? I think so. It's about having heart... teamwork... and the ability to get up and try again. So congrats on a great season! Which leads me to my next topic... BASEBALL SEASON! I love love love this time of year. The first time the Red Sox play at Fenway signifies (to me) the start of spring/summer, warm nights, cold beer, and childhood. And they play the Yankees tomorrow- oyyy. Perfect!!!! Chris and I are hosting an opening day party tomorrow night complete with whiffle ball, ballpark frank
s, and the wearing of our teams hats/shirts. Come one, come all! Other life updates include: 1 month left of this semester, followed by one 7 week intro to psych session... than nursing school here I come! About 3 months til the big move to Arizona- apartment hunting starts within a month! Still searching for job opportunities while I wait to start the nursing program... any ideas or leads are always welcome ;) Seana's big wedding day happens in T-3 months (thank god for WW... gotta make sure I can still fit into that cute bridesmaid dress). Annnnnd a trip out to Maine for Easter to boot! Lots of stuff going on this spring/summer. I can hardly believe I've been out in the midwest for 9 months now. And that by the end of this year it's off to a new adventure. Crazytown. So an interesting thought that's been helping me recently (and that I'd like to offer up as an idea for those about to move or embark on their own adventure and are feeling a bit anxious): I've started mentally visualizing the U.S. without lines. There is something about the separation of each state as if it's its own country (which anywhere else in the world it would be) that has been extremely daunting. BUT, when I picture the shape of the U.S. without any boundaries or borders, it seems like one big state to me that just requires a little extra driving to get from town to town. Don't ask me why this has been helping, it just has. I am the girl who takes care of children everyday and has wild, unbelievable dreams- I think my imagination is constantly running into thousands of directions. But hey, whatever works, right? Question for you all: how do you handle big changes and the stress that comes along with them? Any "off the cuff" methods you are willing to share?

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