I was contemplating a second ago how panicked I felt when I was sitting here in the airport and my computer kept freezing. I mean, after all, how could I POSSIBLY survive an hour with nothing to do? The art of doing nothing is a bit lost, I think. At least, it's lost on me. I remember one time last year taking a "relaxing" bubble bath with a glass of wine and Michael Buble (no, he was not in the tub with me, I mean on the stereo) and literally setting a timer to force myself to stay put and ENJOY. Part of me feels like that is just not a good thing... to have to force yourself to sit still. Because isn't that in turn just stressing you out more? So so weird. Sometimes at night I have to count backwards from ten a million times just to keep from thinking so I can fall asleep and stop worrying about the to-do list, the future, and anything else freaking me out at the moment. Chris is thrilled that he's going to have 6 weeks off between the end of his residency and when he starts his new job in Scottsdale. I, on the other hand, am completely terrified that I might have a week off from work and have been furiously job hunting and looking for part time work to get me through til I land a full-time position out there and then eventually start my RN program. Good lord. Maybe someday when I'm financially secure and not living from paycheck to paycheck or moving around so much I will learn how to enjoy downtime. For now, it just makes me feel guilty.
I'm not really sure how I got on that tangent, but I would say this large coffee has something to do with my rapid train of thought....to summarize, someday I am going to just take a trip to Vermont and stay in a little cottage and pick wildflowers or something. I swear, I will do it.
Ok moving on... a few questions for you readers:
1) When you move to a new place and have no set profession, but rather, a laundry list of random skills acquired through a variety of jobs, how do you find a great job? I mean, I do your typical indeed.com searches, "Top Places to Work in ___________" and alumni networking, but is there any other magical trick to success in all this? I am at the point where I am tired of entry-level. Four years out of college, I am ready for more responsibility and a higher income. Thoughts?
2) Does anyone else have the weird, "I can't sit still" issue?
3) WHO IS EXCITED FOR THE ROYAL WEDDING???? Because to me, it's like how a Butler alum feels about
making it to the Final Four (ahe
m). Prince William, Soon-to-be Princess Kate... castles and taffeta... oh it's all so magical. Which is weird considering I'm the girl who daydreams about getting married barefoot on the beach with sunflowers... I guess we all have that inner girl who just loves the fairytale story. Soooo I have wrangled Mer into a sleepover/mimosas at 5 am on Friday morning agreement. Feel free to join if you're in the area :)

This is pretty.... :) Too much "Say Yes to the Dress" last night.
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