Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I know this blog is all fun, philosophy, and change, but I'd like to take a moment here to discuss the fact that President Obama had to produce his birth certificate the other day.
I'm slightly concerned to read that one quarter of all Americans apparently suspect that he is here illegally or was born in another country. How very lovely that race and a name can do that. I'm a litte embarrassed right now that in times like these 1/4 of this country is focused on this ridiculous idea.
I also think it's somewhat hilarious that Trump decided to argue Obama's credentials and whether or not he deserved to go to Columbia. I mean, unlike some of our former presidents and those making billions these days, he wasn't exactly HANDED success. He lived in various countries, dealt with the divorce of his parents, remarriage, and later the death of both of them at a relatively young age. He claims to have been quiet in school, transferred colleges, and was "painfully alone."
Well good for you, Mr. Trump, who graduated from UPenn and walked into a job with daddy's company. I feel for you and your struggles.
Everyone, chill out and focus on something that matters. The rest of this crap is obnoxious and takes up far too many pages of my newspaper.


  1. Over one quarter of Americans believe in Al Gore's "global warming" so it really does not surprise me - Trump does make a good point through this though: Over one quarter of America is stupid.

  2. Haha... well I do think carbon dioxide from excessive emissions is probably affecting the weather patterns and gradual increase in temperature in the world. But then, I tend to appreciate scientific fact over political opinion most days. Though you're right in that there is a significant amount of frightening ignorance in this country. :)

  3. True, but Al Gore wants us to believe that we are causing the death of the planet. Panic and fear is a great tool of politicians.
