Spring Has Sprung!
Ok, this probably seems totally nerdy, but I am really excited that I looked at my basil pot this morning and saw a teeny, tiny sprout!!!! Look carefully... It is seriously beautiful out today... about 60 degrees, sunny, and happy-feeling. Birds are chirping, flowers smell good... I am beginning to think I had seasonal depression because my mood is about 100% better now that there is sunshine and warmth in my life. I think Arizona is going to be a good place for me to move if that's the case :) Now for a quick "since I last wrote to you" re-cap: 1) The party on Friday was a blast! Annnnnnnnnnd the RED SOX WON AGAINST THE YANKEES! Awesome way to kick off the season at Fenway Park. 2) The weeked was fun and very productive... capped it off with a killer BBQ at Mer and Sam's, complete with Sangria and a visit from Mama Wilson. 3) The weather this week is gorgeous and there are only three weeks left of the semester. I can hardly believe it!!!! 4) Tried Indonesian food at Garuda last night, a new restaurant on 52nd... it was OK... not sure I'd give it a rave review at this point. And now for a quick, philosophical thought for the day... this whole year Chris keeps saying to me, "It's all going to be OK, it's all going to work out." And you know, for the past 8 or so months I thought he was full of crap. Everything had felt like a struggle- being happy in a new place, feeling confident about a new career path, and learning how to live with someone and move a relationship past the initial "honeymoon" phase. But you know what? Sticktoitiveness, a favorite word of mine, wins out again. Because I finally feel comfortable and like I have some great friends, that school was a good choice and this new career path is going to be a smart move, and that my relationship can handle the struggles which gives me absolute faith that the good stuff is going to be that much better. So for those of you faced with big moves, decisions, or love that is terrifying and wonderful all at once, hold on, stick with it... it'll all be OK. :)
I like absolutely everything about this :)