Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Day Late... or Two.. or Three...

December 28, 2010.

It has been two days of harsh winds, blustery snows, and over as well as UNDER caffeination. And finally I sit here in the ATL. Waiting for my flight to Indianapolis.

Ok, I'm just being melodramatic, but thought that intro was more catchy than anything else I could come up with (by the way, I hate ending sentences with WITH. I know it isn't proper).

So the real story is that I was supposed to leave Maine on December 26th but my flight was cancelled at 9 am that day due to a blizzard. I would be lying if I said I wasn't extremely happy about that deep down. I wasn't mentally prepared to leave home so the extra day of lazing around with the fam was just what I needed. I rebooked my flight for yesterday (Dec. 27th) at 5:35 pm and was delayed 3 hours, thus missing my flight in Atlanta. I was going to just wait and fly out of Portland on Dec. 28th (today) but the reps told me that if I didn't at least get out of the Northeast, I would not until Friday at the earliest. YIKES! So much to my family's dismay, I hopped on the flight and found myself sleeping in an airport hotel for approximately four hours before having to head back and wait at the airport once more. Now, fingers crossed, I should be on my way back to the boyfriend in APPROXIMATELY half an hour. I will confirm that at a later point. [CONFIRMED]

Anyway, Christmas week was awesome. Winter travel and last minute shopping can be stressful, but Mom treated us to a girls' day out (manis and massages included) so that eased some of the tension ;)

This was the year of new traditions. Family Christmas parties, fun games at Christmas, even a new breakfast menu! It was great to see everyone and just laugh... I think that's what I loved most about this week- the constant laughter and conversation that flowed with ease. Living in a new place makes me appreciate the familiarity of family and friends that much more.

I think it was also a week full of excellent advice and thoughtfulness. I know I already posted about my great convo with Dad but I had an equally stimulating conversation with a girl on the plane last night. I'm not even sure how these conversations start but I'm pretty sure in another time and place we would've been best friends. At one point we got onto the topic of religion (always an interesting one) and while I would DEFINITELY say she was a bit more pious than me, we came to a very interesting conclusion about relationships. The long and short of it is that faith in the right person for the right reasons makes us strive to better people. When you succumb to relationships that are unhealthy or lack any real challenge, you can become complacent and even overestimate yourself as a person. Being with someone (whether in the spiritual sense or the physical, in person sense) who is actually right for you and good for you is humbling and also motivating. It sort of goes along with that old cliched saying, "You make me want to be a better man/woman." Just some food for thought....

Happy almost New Year everyone!!!!! Lots of love...

1 comment:

  1. As I read this, I'm reminded of a thought I had in the shower this morning. Erin makes me want to be the best version of myself. She is supportive and we have faith in each other, totally. I've found new pieces of self deep within me, and it's amazingly freeing how much ME I can now feel.

    Cliches exist for a reason. <3
