Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To New Adventures!

It has literally been over a month since I last wrote... which tells you how life has been :) A little crazy, to say the least!
At the beginning of last week, I was wrapping up my final class and Chris was wrapping up work. Then Thursday we headed out to the lake in Elkhart with friends for a few days and to Chicago for two nights after that!
The lake was amazing.... I haven't laughed so hard in months. It was wonderful to spend time with friends, eat good food and drink beer and wine, all while riding on a boat. It was the perfect way to decompress and relax after one of the craziest years thus far. Thanks again, Brian and Heather!!!!
Chicago was fabulous as well...
we somehow managed to cram in a trip to the planetarium, aquarium, field museum, Sears (now Willis) tower, and Museum of Science in Industry all in less than 3 whole days! OOO plus a delicious deep dish pizza at Lou Malnati's. YUM! I think we also walked about 20 miles total. Thank god, after all that beer and delicious food at the lake.
I must say, the aquarium was the absolute best. If anyone ever gets a chance to go to Shedd, GO!!!!!! You will LOVE it. The planetarium was... well.... interesting :) I loved seeing the stars and the Apollo 13 exhibit but there was an obvious lack of deodorant happening within the building on what was a VERY hot day. That coupled with the spinn
y ride/exhibit that almost made us throw up REALLY made for a pleasant experience :) We definitely had a good laugh. Oh, and almost falling asleep in the 3D movie we saw. What a stellar couple we are.
Anyway, all in all it was great. Chicago is a very cool city and I love that it is right by the lake. That and city life is always invigorating. So now we are all charged up (thanks to the vacation and for me, my two cups of coffee this morning) and ready to pack and ship on out of Indy and off to Arizona by Monday! AHHHHH........
New adventures ahead. Open mind, open heart, endless possibilities... :)
Lots of midwest love (probably for the last time til I write to you again from our new home in Scottsdale). XO.

NEW HOME.... Hello, Southwest! OLD HOME....... Bye Bye, Midwest!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Love We Receive

Yesterday was my last day with the little guys.... After spending five afternoons a week with them for almost a year, the munchkins I nanny have become a huge part of my life. I spent a lot of time thinking about how when I first moved to Indiana and was struggling majorly with homesickness, I had two smiling faces, full of love, to look forward to everyday. They truly put every smile on my face those first few difficult months. Yes, it was a big change to go from working in an office with adults to working solely with kids. BUT, as time went on, I learned to appreciate life through the eyes of two little people who saw the world as a fun, exciting, beautiful place. Whether it being spotting raccoons in the backyard and squealing with delight or walking by a big yellow school bus on our way to the park, nothing in their world went unnoticed or unappreciated. We could all learn a lot from kids... how they take each other's hands when they're scared, share their bubbles on the porch after some gentle prodding, or try to teach the ones younger than them how to play a game or tie their shoes. They are in that fabulous stage of learning, growing, and trying to figure out how to be good little people.
As the day was winding down yesterday, I found myself sitting on the couch reading the Velveteen Rabbit to the kids' baby dolls. There was a quote inside that really resonated with me and I feel like anyone who has worked with children will relate: "When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real." And it's true. Before I moved here, I was fixated on what people thought of me... what people thought of what I did, where I lived, how I looked.... leaving a great job and exciting city and starting fresh with hardly anything to identify with was a struggle for me. I realized I didn't appreciate myself or feel proud of who I was for the right reasons. Those things (what you do, where you live, how you look)- they're superficial and honestly, not very many people actually care. But how you treat people, the warmth others feel in your presence, the care you give and the smiles you put on faces, those things MATTER. They matter SO much. And no one teaches you that like a child. They don't care what you do... where you live... how you look. It means nothing to them because all they care about is how much fun they have with you, if you can pick them up and clean their scrapes when they fall, if you take care of them and love them. And they love you... so so very much, for all those right reasons. They may complain, argue back, throw fits or fight... but at the end of the day, they give you hugs, they make you laugh and they remind you every day that you are perfect, just as you are.
So stay patient with those little people... try to let yourself learn from them just as often as they learn from you. Because even though you may still have moments of insecurity or when you feel less than up to par with your own standards, they show you how to value the really good stuff.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Thoughts on a Warm Morning

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile... life gets busy and when it does, things like this tend to get away from you. I take it this is a good sign in my case :)

Two points for today:
1) In light of recent discussions, I would like to post this quote: “I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.”- Anais Nin.
Amen. Make sure you surround yourself with men (or women) who fit this bill because they are the only ones worth having. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Those who cannot are cowards. Thank goodness I have one (well, many) in my life that get this.

2) I was comparing accepting invitations/dates from less than perfect candidates with a friend the other day, not as a means of lowering your expectations but as a way of allowing yourself to be surprised by people. The best and most wonderful people who come into your life are not always the most obvious right away. It's a matter of perspective. Then I got to thinking as I was driving this morning (and after reading my horoscope) that while nostalgia and memories can take up space in our hearts and minds, we shouldn't let them crowd out the new. There is not infinite space for both so every once in awhile some spring cleaning is necessary. Clear out old dreams, old flames, moments that exist in the past and cannot be repeated. This is not a bad thing... rather, it gives you a chance to focus on the present and future so that they too can one day take up space in your soul and give you a true sense of nostalgia and happiness.

That's all I have for today. Happy June, happy Monday, happy midwest heat wave.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sleeping Bears and Mini Ponies

Ok, not to start this lovely rainy Wednesday off on the wrong foot, but I just read a disturbing article on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition basically stating that the show has been duped by false claims made by some of the homes' recipients. A family claiming to have sick children in order to get a home? Another where five orphaned children were adopted by a couple only to be kicked out of the home once it was built? And yet another were the family's combined income was more than $200,000?

First, I have to ask... who DOES this? And how are these people getting away with this stuff? It's frustrating when you see and hear people with real problems (medical issues, income troubles, homelessness) going without while others reap the benefits of pure lies. Very sad when charity is wasted or abused like this. But enough about that, I promise positivity for the rest of this post.

Heather and I shopped last night for our wine tasting party which is very exciting! After Italian Wine Night at Chateau Thomas we thought it might be fun to do our own tasting, trivia and prizes included! Plans are moving forward....

Also, makes me happy. Way to go, Boston!!! :) I wish all kids around the world could have the kind of exceptional treatment you find at Children's. What a dream it would be to work there someday....

We used our own Basil the other day! Because it's getting HUGE! Make note: I grew something and kept it alive. Score.

Last night I fell asleep on the floor and woke up to Chris singing, "Peaceful Mariah... she's so peaceful when she sleeps... " I died laughing. Chris loves when I'm asleep or when I'm in that barely awake, looking through half-shut eyes stage where I smile and burrow into the blankets. This is because I'm a hotheaded, feisty little woman the rest of the time apparently. Though I did explain to him last night that according to the calculations Mer and I did, we are 90% awesome, 5% emotional, and 5% crazy, though of that 5%, 3% of the crazy is warranted and therefore only 2% is unaccounted for, which for MOST people (ahem, women?) is extremely low.

It's like this bear... so nice and peaceful looking while it sleeps. When it's awake? MMM... yikes.

And finally, my favorite little boy turns 2 soon... and a bday party is in the works for the weekend! This is the best part of my job. Celebrating milestones with the cuties :)

He loves horses... what do we think of this for a present???

Hahaha....ohhhh if only.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Let's Have Fun Today :)

So after a great morning with my three Spanish classes and with the sun shining brightly, I am feeling like a fun post is in order. Well, I don't know that EVERYONE will think this is fun, but maybe those of you with a flair for interior design or art will enjoy :)

So Chris and I finally decided on a decorating style that BOTH of us like. I always talk about how I like things that have character and are more "homey or country." Chris likes more modern but still cozy and comfortable.... So we scratched our heads and tried to figure out what a combo of those two styles were, and low and behold, Chris found the perfect one! It is known as "rustic contemporary" and has all the feel of a cozy log cabin or Colorado/Vermont hideaway with the modern appliances and sleek finish that allows for a little extra kick of style. We love the exposed beams, stone and brick, and cool lofts... and I can just picture bright flowers and warm candles. Now granted, we certainly won't have anything nearly this elaborate in our apartment in Arizona, mostly just fun appliances or accessories that we get crafty with while we start out. But SOMEDAY, maybe, we will be able to take a few of these ideas! What do you think?

Friday, May 6, 2011

C.R.A.Z.Y Stands For Constantly Running Around Zanily, YAWN.

I cannot BELIEVE the semester is done!!!!!!! I feel like this is a huge feat for someone who felt like giving up many times this year. But I can safely say, it feels great to have accomplished a year of prereqs and know that the next step is the actual RN program :) Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement along the way!!!! I definitely needed it.
It's nice now to have a little more free time in the mornings to focus on job hunting and gearing up for the big move, versus drowning in textbooks and lab work. I am finding some cool stuff out in AZ and while it's still got me on edge waiting to see who's going to bite, I am hopeful that there is a good fit somewhere.
Ok, ok enough of the logistical bore...
Tomorrow night is friend Kimberly's grad party! And she has successfully completed the RN program! YOU GO GIRL! Really excited for that. Then Chris and I are headed for a little double date, cosmic bowling style. Haven't done that in YEARS!!! Should be a blast.
The weekends are starting to fill up quickly right before our eyes... lake trips, wine tasting parties, weddings, cookouts, family visits, the Indy 500... all fun stuff but hard to believe that there are only a few weekends left before we move across country. It feels really surreal right now. Though I suppose since we are filling out our apartment application this weekend, it'll feel more real soon.
I'd write more, but I've spent enough hours filling out apps and sitting in front of this computer today so it's time to take a break. Have a great weekend, everyone! And Happy Mother's Day to my AWESOME mom and all moms out there!!! xoxo

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Words Of Wisdom... Or Something Like That

Some words of wisdom I would like to pass along as I near the end of a year of big changes and move onto new things…. You know, things I wish others had known or that I myself had known in dealing with new people, roller coaster feelings, and everything in between:

1) Ragging on a new place is a sign of homesickness. Be sensitive. Unless you are someone who enjoys moving around a lot or doesn’t have close ties to family and friends, moving far from everything you have known and loved your whole life feels like utter heartbreak, especially the first time out. Instead of criticizing, encourage said ragger/homesick individual to join your group, ask them about their life and where they come from, and be nice. Thanks to those people here who did that right from the start!! :) And I myself am going to make a much greater effort to help people new to wherever I am in the future.

2) Home is home. Sorry. You can grow up in Indiana, Maine, or Timbuktu. And you may never understand how someone new cannot possibly understand your love for your state. I have had this conversation with another blogger who is living my parallel life (except she moved from Indiana to New England) and she has encountered many of the same feelings of “unfriendliness” or “out-of-placeness” as I have. Both of us laughed when we realized there is a lot more underlying insecurity and nervousness than actual disregard for your new “home.” So again, take things with a grain of salt if a new person isn’t as pumped about your local sports team or favorite restaurant as you. They are most likely jealous that you have such an affinity for a place that you are furiously attempting to adapt to.

3) Once you are in a committed relationship, everything changes… offering words of wisdom according to what is best for each individual person is not productive and makes the other person feel slighted. Neither party is less important, no matter their job, dream, or talent. If a friend or relative comes to you for advice, do not tell them to “do what’s best for him or her” because it’s not longer just about him or her. This is the point of a relationship and if both people can’t be happy, they will one day wind up apart or divorced. As a very wise woman once told me, “Both people need a chance to grow and prosper, not just one.” It’s also not the 50s anymore... women and men both work hard and have many more opportunities than they used to. There is no need for one person to stand quietly in the shadows of another. Again, be sensitive and insightful and when possible? Imagine the other party in the relationship is your son, daughter, sister, brother or friend too. It might make you think differently about what words come out of your mouth. Respect the love between two people and remember that you are not with them day in and day out and cannot judge or make “best” decisions for them. Only they can. And honestly, even in a couple where both people love each other tremendously, there are also bound to be some big differences between them. Neither person is "right" or "wrong" or "smarter" or "more logical." We have all been raised differently and harbor different core values and that's OK. Plus, no offense to our overly hyped, driven society where we are all convinced that money buys happiness- but that’s a load of crap. Hugs and support from your family, laughter, spontaneity, and unconditional love keep us going no matter what anyone else thinks. You cannot live the depth of your life without the depth of love (romantic, familial, friendship-based, or otherwise).

4) Be patient. This goes for both the new guy/girl and the ones welcoming them into your world. Things will get better. But before they do, they might get ugly. The unknown and new is scary for all of us and there is no way around it, only directly through it. So barrel headfirst into the tangles and know you will find your way back out somehow.

5) Speak up. Don’t be scared to use outlets. Some of us blog, some of us use Facebook or MySpace, some of us call or text our confidantes. But don’t hold it in. Yes, you might offend fewer people or keep the waters calm if you do, but your stomach will be in knots and tears will be frequent. Let it out. “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

6) Think about yourself. Yes, this sounds selfish. But when you are uncomfortable or dreading something constantly… or when you just don’t feel like doing something because your heart isn’t in it… allow yourself a free pass now and again to say, “You know what? I’m going to get a good book and curl up on the couch with some wine.” Take time for yourself and the things that remind you of home or make you feel like YOU. Compromise doesn’t mean giving up everything or converting to someone else’s way of life. As a chronic people pleaser, it has taken me a long time to strike that balance and find ways to remain independent and happy while with someone but it has made a world of difference.

7) Remember that NOTHING is permanent or forever. Give things a try, allow yourself the chance to fall and the chance to get back, and do not harbor regret for all the adventures you end up on. It can be easy to resent the world when you make decisions that turn into struggles or when you try something and it fails completely. However, pat yourself on the back for being brave and remember that at the end of the day, if it isn’t worth it, you’ll know it and can also find a new path. Do not be fearful of entrapment. You are the only person who can allow yourself to be trapped.

8) And finally, there are always good people and friends to made, no matter where you go. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you find yourself laughing with friends over beers and thinking, “This isn’t so bad after all.” Don’t torture yourself by being a personal martyr to the cause of self-pity. Allow people in and connect, connect, connect whenever and wherever you can.

I am no expert, and again, this might be far too philosophical, deep or obnoxious for some of you to stomach. But, if at least one person reads this and takes one valuable point away to apply to their own situation, well, it won’t be for not then will it?