Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to the Books

Annnnnd we're back in action. Spring semester begins today and while I am not as excited to start classes as I was after a three year hiatus, I am feeling MUCH more confident about things than I was in August. And to be honest, I prefer confidence of ability over the excitement of newness right now.

The nice part about life right now is that the hard part is over. That may seem counterintuitive given the fact that there is still nursing school and another big move this summer to think about, but as far as I'm concerned, most of my work is done. I moved here, figured out classes, made it through a semester and am getting the tail end of my apps out. All I can really do is wait now and whatever will be will be. There are still decisions ahead but nothing we can even really begin to think about until a few months from now. I feel a lot more peaceful about everything than I did at this time last year. Peaceful knowing that things will work out one way or another and peaceful knowing that the next time I make a move or start at a new school, I will have someone with me going through the exact same thing. Nice to have a little solidarity in big life changes for once.

Now for a fun weekend recap:
Friday night Chris went to the Butler game and I went to Chateau Thomas Winery for free live music and wine. It was absolutely one of my favorite things I have done since moving here. I have tried to be a trooper and immerse myself in the wild sports culture here, but to be honest, I still have absolutely no clue what is going on in a football game, nor do I care. So sitting listening to incredible music and seeing people sing and play with passion gave me chills. It also brought me right back to college and a cappella... nice folkie acoustic music that just makes you want to sit around a bonfire and sing-a-long. Well maybe it doesn't make anyone else want to do that, but it surely makes me want to. I was so born in the wrong place and time.
Saturday was a bit of a lazy day, but it was beautiful out so we went for nice invigorating walk, shopped for icebreaker gifts for my wish child, and then had a late dinner at the Olive Garden.
Sunday we both did some work, I took another nice long walk and caught up with Mimi on the phone, and then headed over to Mer and Sam's for the Packer's game. All good stuff!

So now it's time to get things rolling... time to dust off the books and get out the highlighter. Wish me luck!
Lots of love on a sunny January morning :)

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