Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ummm.... Sunday, Oh No, Almost Monday?

I was trying to be creative with the entry title.... it didn't work out so well.
It is Sunday night and I am sitting on the couch for probably the 7th hour today. I woke up this morning with that ridiculous pinched nerve, can't-move-my-neck thing that I tend to get about twice a year for no reason at all. It literally feels like a constant charlie horse in your neck. What a waste of a beautiful day... ahhh well. I did manage to go to church this morning which was nice... and this thing will go away in a couple days hopefully.
Ok, trying to think of anything to recap on... Wednesday night Chris and I went on a picnic that I planned as a surprise. It was more or less a total failure since we left a little late and then I had the wrong directions to the park we were going to. It was also pretty cold. So we sat in the dark on beach towels and froze eating our sandwiches. Ahhh well, I tried.
Thursday was awesome in that Chris, Mer, Sam and I went to Mo's Irish Pub for Trivia Night and came in, wait for it- SECOND PLACE!!!!! We got a twenty dollar gift certificate for when we come back next week. Our group is called "What a Crazy Cornhole!" (my idea, obviously) and we are slowly creeping up the ladder :) Maybe next week will be a first place win!
Friday I did an awesome brownie and puppet making day with the kids I nanny and I think it was a huge success. I am thinking about making some of the cute witch and mummy puppets to put in the front yard- we shall see if that actually happens!
Saturday Chris took his boards and I spent most of the day studying and doing errands/chores. It was pouring out so I figured better to be productive while it was too crappy to go out and have fun. Saturday night Chris went out with friends to celebrate being done with his exam and I decided to hang back since it's good for us to both do things on our own with friends. So I went to the movies... tried to see "Life As We Know It" but it was sold out so I ended up seeing Easy A... it was cute, entertaining... not sure if it was worth the nine dollars, but I got to eat movie popcorn so that was good :) Then I bought a bottle of wine and had a two hour long phone conversation with a long lost friend.
PS- I cannot begin to explain how many people I know are now engaged or pregnant. Better start saving those pennies for the gifts to come!
Thought for the week: "Your net worth is nothing more and nothing less than what you do for others and how you serve the world."


  1. Hope you neck gets to feeling better! Where did you go to church? I also want to see Life As We Know It, but I think it would be a hard sell to get Ryan to go lol. Have a great week!

  2. Amy!!! Listen, if you want to go see it, I will absolutely go with you. Maybe we could do a fun little girls night or something- movie and a coffee or some form of a drink? Hahah... Neck feels a little better today.... still hurts but we're plowing through. And I went to church at St. Matthew's- it's the only place I've been so far. Sounds like you guys have been checking out other cool places so you'll have to let me know!

  3. Let me know if you would like to go with us or me to church again...we are down with you. :)

    I am totally digging these more positive blogs - just keep my Wucifer happy and well.

  4. Ya that'd be great! I've been liking the one I went to with you when I first moved here but am always up to try new places out :) And I'm glad you are liking the more positive spin. I'm doing my best! I think once I get out more it'll be easier. I'm doing my best to keep him happy and well- though I can be a real trip to be with, hahah. Just ask him. It's a Gemini thing.
