Monday, October 25, 2010


I've been doing a lot of thinking lately... a lot of thinking about how we change and grow through different phases of our lives and relationships. It seems to me that when you're younger, you don't notice those changes as much (they seem to sort of morph into each other), but when you get older, you can almost pinpoint when things happen.
I can pinpoint, for example, that after our trip to NYC I was considerably happier than before we left. I'm not sure why that is.... but I feel like I had some grand epiphany on that trip that this is a new adventure and we're both committed to it and that everything is going to be OK.
I have also been thinking a lot about how when you are growing up, your life path is more or less mapped out for you. You have to go to elementary school, middle school and high school. Most people assume that they will from there go right onto college. Our parents make the rules and set our limitations and boundaries for us. Our teachers help. Our friends just appear because we see them everyday in class. Then all of a sudden, you are out of college and are suddenly the captain of your own ship and having endless options around you can often be more terrifying than being told where to go next. Striking a balance between happiness and diligent perseverance toward a worthwhile goal or next step can get tricky and the lines sometimes become blurred.
I guess the important piece to this ramble is that we all tend to know ourselves better than we think we do. When we actually calm our minds down and reevaluate where we are and why (physically or metaphorically), we are able to see pretty clearly why it is we are there.
Good lord, you must think I have been saluting the sun and writing this in downward dog or something.
Now that we've all had some philosophical babble thrown at us this morning, I will move onto other things. Let's start with few job related discoveries.... I will call them "Revelations from a 4 year old:"
1) The belly button is where the egg is inserted that we then hatch later (this is how pregnancy happens and babies are born).
2) "Looking prettier" than someone (in particular your babysitter) is code for having more sparkly accessories on.
3) Flattery is having a 4 year old ask you to do her hair just like yours.
4) When you teach a child a song, she will share it with her class. You will laugh because when you learned the song at her age, you stood on your desk in your teacher's class and did the exact same thing.
5) There is nothing better in the world than the leg hug from a toddler.

Some of my own revelations for the week/weekend:
1) Watching movies like Paranormal Activity 2 all by yourself= stupid.
2) The guitar is a pretty sweet instrument and learning how to play it and not just stare at it in the corner of your living room is even better.
3) I love Borders. I read an entire book there on Saturday without even having to buy it. Not sure if that is OK but OH WELL.
4) Stats just isn't fun, no matter which way you slice it.
5) Learning how to cook with someone else who is a self-proclaimed "non-chef" is really great. And makes you both feel very accomplished at the end of the day.
6) For as little fashion sense as I have, I had a great time this weekend making Chris try on about 7 outfits for his art showing. Oops. He looked handsome though :)
7) We are fast approaching wave 2 of the weddings. Got my bridesmaid's dress for Seana's wedding. Love it!!!!!

That's about it.... off I go to do some errands and conquer Monday.

1 comment:

  1. aren't you glad i reminded you of our love for borders?! miss you:)
