Monday, November 1, 2010

How is it already November?

Well, it seems that Monday is the day I've blogging so I may as well keep up with tradition!
Let me start by saying that I am feeling extraordinarily homesick right now. I don't really know why... those feelings come and go in waves and I haven't felt them much over the past few weeks but they are full blown today. It'll pass... it'll be fine...this is part of growing up, right? I think there's just too much quiet. I am so tired of quiet. I want a full house that's loud and vivacious. Maybe I need to get a pet.
But I'm not going to expand on that thought because it's negative and not fun to read about. Just feels good to get it off my chest.
Had a fun weekend! After work on Friday I drove straight to St. Louis to visit my friend Holly. Two hundred and forty miles on 70-W was a bit of a drag as it is 100% flat and there was a big stretch there where all the music seemed to be country (there was also a cross the size of a house on the side of the road at one point which was a little weird). But I made it there and proceeded to have a great weekend! After I unpacked, we ate pizza and then dressed up for 80s night at a local bar. Interestingly, we were one of three people dressed up at this bar which for some reason did not bother me at all. Must be my inner freak. We didn't drink or anything since we had to do our run early in the morning, but I got to meet a few of her friends and that was nice.
Saturday morning we ran our 10K for Haiti- it was awesome! So great to see people come out to support an awesome cause. It was a good run, but by mile 5 I was hurting (running three times before a 10K is not exactly awesome training, haha). But alas, we finished and hugged it out. We both agreed that we were feeling the urge to either throw up or cry once we finished- some form of catharsis. But we did neither, which was good. Afterwards, we met up with Holly's sister and two adorable kids for a local Halloween event. We went store to store at a mall and trick-or-treated and then listened to some Banjo players and painted pumpkins. Thennnn of course, we stopped at Cracker Barrel for lunch and I ordered "Chicken 'n dumplins" (mostly because I've always wanted to say it). DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I immediately made friends with the munchkins (who made me laugh throughout the whole lunch) and I'm beginning to think that I do a whole lot better with children than adults. Ah well. Maybe it's because children always talk to you, even if you're the new guy.
When we got back to Holly's apartment, we had grandiose plans of going to the zoo, walking around the city, etc. but ended up in mini-comas for about an hour. Finally we regained some energy and got into our costumes for the night. At 6:30 we left to pick up Holly's friend Rachel and then went to a Blues game (my first ever NHL experience!) It was a ton of fun... they ended up winning in a shootout and we were even on the jumbotron! Ice hockey is by far my favorite sport to watch.
After the game, we headed over to a Halloween party which was slightly awkward for me. Most likely because I wasn't drunk and everyone else was lol. Plus, in true Halloween style, everyone else was dressed a bit more... well, sexually, while I was dressed like a princess complete with a puffy green vest and my sneakers. Victoria's Secret even has their own Halloween line now... I mean really? Naughty nurse and sexy kitty? Gross. But I talked to a few nice people and got to see a belligerently drunk man get hoisted into a cab by two grown men, which was interesting.
Sunday morning I raced home for Halloween and the trick-or-treaters. My luminaries all blew over because it was windy, but at least we had a jack-o-lantern and a skeleton outside. I got all dressed up as a fortune teller and sat with the bowl of candy for three hours for three trick-0r-treaters. What the heck? Oh well.
And here we are at Monday. I am trying to motivate myself and am struggling big time. I need to finish gathering info for nursing applications STAT and also need to book my tickets home for Thanksgiving. And you know, do homework since I am working three full days and two part time days this week (Heather -morning nanny- gets married on Saturday!! So I'm covering)... but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now. One thing at a time. Here we go!
Have a fabulous day :)

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