Thursday, November 4, 2010


The thing about manicotti is, unless you blow on each individual piece (regardless of whether or not it is hot or cold), a one-year old will immediately eject it from his mouth. This is a fun, psychological game toddlers play. So a lunch which should be fairly quick ends up taking about 30 minutes. Good.
This is my day so far... a good one, certainly. But also sort of hilarious and patience-inducing.
In between the manicotti feedings and singing to soothe, I've been pounding out as much homework as I can. This week has been a little brutal school-work wise. And I still need to dissect a chicken wing and take two quizzes. Why am I blogging then, you ask? Because I can. Because if I sit and stare at a statistics book for much longer, I will burn it and throw it out a window and that is not productive. Plus, last night I had a dream that I took my fetal pig out of its bag, went to start a dissection and then watched it run and jump off a ledge. Too much studying.
On a more exciting note, Chris and I had a date night last night (at the Olive Garden which we loooooooove) and then as a surprise, he got me a guitar stand and case! He says it's because I did a good job on my 10k over the weekend- if he had seen me huffing and puffing up the hill on mile 6, he probably would've gotten me a gym membership and thrown away all the Halloween candy that we still have. But I prefer this :)
Another cool thing is that tonight is my first real Red Cross training to do Client Casework and Disaster Relief. I figured it'd be a great way to learn valuable skills, get involved with my community, and maybe meet some cool people. I will report in on how that goes. Especially after 10 hours of babysitting.
Alright, folks, that's about all I've got. Just thought I'd ramble and entertain you for a second.
P.S.- has anyone driven 70-W to St. Louis and seen the enormous, house-sized cross while listening to one of the five country stations on the radio? This is truly God's country out here, lol. Love it.


  1. There are other stations out there...ask Wu, we drove that way for the Sweet 16.

  2. I don't even believe it. I searched high and low. Maybe it was a sign....
