Monday, November 8, 2010

Chilly November Mornings

Good morning, happy daylight savings! (I realize this actually took place yesterday, but I am loving the fact that it was sunny by about 7 this morning).
Last week was a little wild in terms of school and work (and let's just say Friday morning started and ended with a technical glitch for one online course and a dissection interrupted by a cut finger for another-try dissecting a chicken wing with one hand... not as easy as it sounds). But, I had a good chat with a friend, laughed it off, and went to work. Friday night, I hung out at Mer and Sam's and had pizza and drinks with them and a few of their friends (poor Chris found out last minute he had to work late... no fun). But it was a great night and by the time I got home, I was feeling relaxed and more in control of everything going on.
Saturday morning it took me forever to get up (lazy, lazy) but I had a guitar lesson so I forced myself (with some prodding) to get a move on. And of course, I ended up giving my teacher some lengthy disclaimer about how I hadn't practiced very much and not to expect much out of me. He just laughed (as chill guitar teachers do) and said, "Just have fun. That's why you're here, right?" And I smiled because he was right... and that's exactly what Chris had said before I left. So we jammed for awhile (and by jammed I mean convinced my awkward little fingers to form the few chords they know) and was in a great mood when I left.
Came home, had lunch, and attempted my Stats quiz for the second time (holding my breath that the glitch was fixed) and it went really well! This class has felt like the bane of my existence this semester so it was nice to finally feel things click and see a grade that accurately reflected my effort for once. I'm hoping this is a turning point of sorts.
After the quiz, I felt a sudden urge to clean... and I mean, CLEAN. When Chris came downstairs to see what all the noise was about, he just sort of laughed and jumped right in to help. And now we have a clean, sunny house to live in! Hooray :)
As we we were cleaning, he kept asking me what I wanted to do that night... I wasn't really sure and just kept trucking along. Then he asked if I wanted to go ice skating- AWESOME!!!!!!! I love love love ice skating and it's so nice to get out and feel active. So we finished up at home and then went to the Fishers Forum (which is literally about a five minute walk up the road). It was actually pretty packed and it was cool to see people of all ages out on a Saturday night just having fun. We were a little wobbly at first but ended up doing a pretty good job I would say! It was such a blast :) There was some great music playing and a few interesting sights to see (little kids racing around at lightening speed, teenagers on dates where the guy was showing off and the girl was totally bored). We stayed for almost the whole session (which is two hours by the way, so the legs and bum were a little sore on Sunday) and then went to Chatham Tap for dinner and drinks. We topped it off by watching a funny movie with the fire going. Now that's what I call date night :)
Sunday we went to get our oil changed, walked around the mall for a bit and then got stuff to make for the football game. Mer and Sam came over around 8 and we had baked mac and cheese, chips and guacamole, beer and wine. I still don't really understand what's going on when I watch football (I try to remember everything people tell me about the rules and what things mean but sometimes it just hurts my brain...), but it's still fun to have friends over and just hang out. Searched for flights for Thanksgiving and Christmas (a little stressful because holiday travel is absurd and expensive), but felt good about things by the end.
And now we're off to a new week (second week in November! What in the world??) and I'm starting to think I should be thinking about Christmas shopping or something. Oh goodness... I'll crack a book for now instead.
Ohhh ohh and here's a great article my friend Kayla sent me which is from a nursing magazine but definitely something we can all relate to:

Enjoy :)

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