Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To New Adventures!

It has literally been over a month since I last wrote... which tells you how life has been :) A little crazy, to say the least!
At the beginning of last week, I was wrapping up my final class and Chris was wrapping up work. Then Thursday we headed out to the lake in Elkhart with friends for a few days and to Chicago for two nights after that!
The lake was amazing.... I haven't laughed so hard in months. It was wonderful to spend time with friends, eat good food and drink beer and wine, all while riding on a boat. It was the perfect way to decompress and relax after one of the craziest years thus far. Thanks again, Brian and Heather!!!!
Chicago was fabulous as well...
we somehow managed to cram in a trip to the planetarium, aquarium, field museum, Sears (now Willis) tower, and Museum of Science in Industry all in less than 3 whole days! OOO plus a delicious deep dish pizza at Lou Malnati's. YUM! I think we also walked about 20 miles total. Thank god, after all that beer and delicious food at the lake.
I must say, the aquarium was the absolute best. If anyone ever gets a chance to go to Shedd, GO!!!!!! You will LOVE it. The planetarium was... well.... interesting :) I loved seeing the stars and the Apollo 13 exhibit but there was an obvious lack of deodorant happening within the building on what was a VERY hot day. That coupled with the spinn
y ride/exhibit that almost made us throw up REALLY made for a pleasant experience :) We definitely had a good laugh. Oh, and almost falling asleep in the 3D movie we saw. What a stellar couple we are.
Anyway, all in all it was great. Chicago is a very cool city and I love that it is right by the lake. That and city life is always invigorating. So now we are all charged up (thanks to the vacation and for me, my two cups of coffee this morning) and ready to pack and ship on out of Indy and off to Arizona by Monday! AHHHHH........
New adventures ahead. Open mind, open heart, endless possibilities... :)
Lots of midwest love (probably for the last time til I write to you again from our new home in Scottsdale). XO.

NEW HOME.... Hello, Southwest! OLD HOME....... Bye Bye, Midwest!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Love We Receive

Yesterday was my last day with the little guys.... After spending five afternoons a week with them for almost a year, the munchkins I nanny have become a huge part of my life. I spent a lot of time thinking about how when I first moved to Indiana and was struggling majorly with homesickness, I had two smiling faces, full of love, to look forward to everyday. They truly put every smile on my face those first few difficult months. Yes, it was a big change to go from working in an office with adults to working solely with kids. BUT, as time went on, I learned to appreciate life through the eyes of two little people who saw the world as a fun, exciting, beautiful place. Whether it being spotting raccoons in the backyard and squealing with delight or walking by a big yellow school bus on our way to the park, nothing in their world went unnoticed or unappreciated. We could all learn a lot from kids... how they take each other's hands when they're scared, share their bubbles on the porch after some gentle prodding, or try to teach the ones younger than them how to play a game or tie their shoes. They are in that fabulous stage of learning, growing, and trying to figure out how to be good little people.
As the day was winding down yesterday, I found myself sitting on the couch reading the Velveteen Rabbit to the kids' baby dolls. There was a quote inside that really resonated with me and I feel like anyone who has worked with children will relate: "When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real." And it's true. Before I moved here, I was fixated on what people thought of me... what people thought of what I did, where I lived, how I looked.... leaving a great job and exciting city and starting fresh with hardly anything to identify with was a struggle for me. I realized I didn't appreciate myself or feel proud of who I was for the right reasons. Those things (what you do, where you live, how you look)- they're superficial and honestly, not very many people actually care. But how you treat people, the warmth others feel in your presence, the care you give and the smiles you put on faces, those things MATTER. They matter SO much. And no one teaches you that like a child. They don't care what you do... where you live... how you look. It means nothing to them because all they care about is how much fun they have with you, if you can pick them up and clean their scrapes when they fall, if you take care of them and love them. And they love you... so so very much, for all those right reasons. They may complain, argue back, throw fits or fight... but at the end of the day, they give you hugs, they make you laugh and they remind you every day that you are perfect, just as you are.
So stay patient with those little people... try to let yourself learn from them just as often as they learn from you. Because even though you may still have moments of insecurity or when you feel less than up to par with your own standards, they show you how to value the really good stuff.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Thoughts on a Warm Morning

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile... life gets busy and when it does, things like this tend to get away from you. I take it this is a good sign in my case :)

Two points for today:
1) In light of recent discussions, I would like to post this quote: “I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.”- Anais Nin.
Amen. Make sure you surround yourself with men (or women) who fit this bill because they are the only ones worth having. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Those who cannot are cowards. Thank goodness I have one (well, many) in my life that get this.

2) I was comparing accepting invitations/dates from less than perfect candidates with a friend the other day, not as a means of lowering your expectations but as a way of allowing yourself to be surprised by people. The best and most wonderful people who come into your life are not always the most obvious right away. It's a matter of perspective. Then I got to thinking as I was driving this morning (and after reading my horoscope) that while nostalgia and memories can take up space in our hearts and minds, we shouldn't let them crowd out the new. There is not infinite space for both so every once in awhile some spring cleaning is necessary. Clear out old dreams, old flames, moments that exist in the past and cannot be repeated. This is not a bad thing... rather, it gives you a chance to focus on the present and future so that they too can one day take up space in your soul and give you a true sense of nostalgia and happiness.

That's all I have for today. Happy June, happy Monday, happy midwest heat wave.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sleeping Bears and Mini Ponies

Ok, not to start this lovely rainy Wednesday off on the wrong foot, but I just read a disturbing article on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition basically stating that the show has been duped by false claims made by some of the homes' recipients. A family claiming to have sick children in order to get a home? Another where five orphaned children were adopted by a couple only to be kicked out of the home once it was built? And yet another were the family's combined income was more than $200,000?

First, I have to ask... who DOES this? And how are these people getting away with this stuff? It's frustrating when you see and hear people with real problems (medical issues, income troubles, homelessness) going without while others reap the benefits of pure lies. Very sad when charity is wasted or abused like this. But enough about that, I promise positivity for the rest of this post.

Heather and I shopped last night for our wine tasting party which is very exciting! After Italian Wine Night at Chateau Thomas we thought it might be fun to do our own tasting, trivia and prizes included! Plans are moving forward....

Also, makes me happy. Way to go, Boston!!! :) I wish all kids around the world could have the kind of exceptional treatment you find at Children's. What a dream it would be to work there someday....

We used our own Basil the other day! Because it's getting HUGE! Make note: I grew something and kept it alive. Score.

Last night I fell asleep on the floor and woke up to Chris singing, "Peaceful Mariah... she's so peaceful when she sleeps... " I died laughing. Chris loves when I'm asleep or when I'm in that barely awake, looking through half-shut eyes stage where I smile and burrow into the blankets. This is because I'm a hotheaded, feisty little woman the rest of the time apparently. Though I did explain to him last night that according to the calculations Mer and I did, we are 90% awesome, 5% emotional, and 5% crazy, though of that 5%, 3% of the crazy is warranted and therefore only 2% is unaccounted for, which for MOST people (ahem, women?) is extremely low.

It's like this bear... so nice and peaceful looking while it sleeps. When it's awake? MMM... yikes.

And finally, my favorite little boy turns 2 soon... and a bday party is in the works for the weekend! This is the best part of my job. Celebrating milestones with the cuties :)

He loves horses... what do we think of this for a present???

Hahaha....ohhhh if only.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Let's Have Fun Today :)

So after a great morning with my three Spanish classes and with the sun shining brightly, I am feeling like a fun post is in order. Well, I don't know that EVERYONE will think this is fun, but maybe those of you with a flair for interior design or art will enjoy :)

So Chris and I finally decided on a decorating style that BOTH of us like. I always talk about how I like things that have character and are more "homey or country." Chris likes more modern but still cozy and comfortable.... So we scratched our heads and tried to figure out what a combo of those two styles were, and low and behold, Chris found the perfect one! It is known as "rustic contemporary" and has all the feel of a cozy log cabin or Colorado/Vermont hideaway with the modern appliances and sleek finish that allows for a little extra kick of style. We love the exposed beams, stone and brick, and cool lofts... and I can just picture bright flowers and warm candles. Now granted, we certainly won't have anything nearly this elaborate in our apartment in Arizona, mostly just fun appliances or accessories that we get crafty with while we start out. But SOMEDAY, maybe, we will be able to take a few of these ideas! What do you think?

Friday, May 6, 2011

C.R.A.Z.Y Stands For Constantly Running Around Zanily, YAWN.

I cannot BELIEVE the semester is done!!!!!!! I feel like this is a huge feat for someone who felt like giving up many times this year. But I can safely say, it feels great to have accomplished a year of prereqs and know that the next step is the actual RN program :) Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement along the way!!!! I definitely needed it.
It's nice now to have a little more free time in the mornings to focus on job hunting and gearing up for the big move, versus drowning in textbooks and lab work. I am finding some cool stuff out in AZ and while it's still got me on edge waiting to see who's going to bite, I am hopeful that there is a good fit somewhere.
Ok, ok enough of the logistical bore...
Tomorrow night is friend Kimberly's grad party! And she has successfully completed the RN program! YOU GO GIRL! Really excited for that. Then Chris and I are headed for a little double date, cosmic bowling style. Haven't done that in YEARS!!! Should be a blast.
The weekends are starting to fill up quickly right before our eyes... lake trips, wine tasting parties, weddings, cookouts, family visits, the Indy 500... all fun stuff but hard to believe that there are only a few weekends left before we move across country. It feels really surreal right now. Though I suppose since we are filling out our apartment application this weekend, it'll feel more real soon.
I'd write more, but I've spent enough hours filling out apps and sitting in front of this computer today so it's time to take a break. Have a great weekend, everyone! And Happy Mother's Day to my AWESOME mom and all moms out there!!! xoxo

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Words Of Wisdom... Or Something Like That

Some words of wisdom I would like to pass along as I near the end of a year of big changes and move onto new things…. You know, things I wish others had known or that I myself had known in dealing with new people, roller coaster feelings, and everything in between:

1) Ragging on a new place is a sign of homesickness. Be sensitive. Unless you are someone who enjoys moving around a lot or doesn’t have close ties to family and friends, moving far from everything you have known and loved your whole life feels like utter heartbreak, especially the first time out. Instead of criticizing, encourage said ragger/homesick individual to join your group, ask them about their life and where they come from, and be nice. Thanks to those people here who did that right from the start!! :) And I myself am going to make a much greater effort to help people new to wherever I am in the future.

2) Home is home. Sorry. You can grow up in Indiana, Maine, or Timbuktu. And you may never understand how someone new cannot possibly understand your love for your state. I have had this conversation with another blogger who is living my parallel life (except she moved from Indiana to New England) and she has encountered many of the same feelings of “unfriendliness” or “out-of-placeness” as I have. Both of us laughed when we realized there is a lot more underlying insecurity and nervousness than actual disregard for your new “home.” So again, take things with a grain of salt if a new person isn’t as pumped about your local sports team or favorite restaurant as you. They are most likely jealous that you have such an affinity for a place that you are furiously attempting to adapt to.

3) Once you are in a committed relationship, everything changes… offering words of wisdom according to what is best for each individual person is not productive and makes the other person feel slighted. Neither party is less important, no matter their job, dream, or talent. If a friend or relative comes to you for advice, do not tell them to “do what’s best for him or her” because it’s not longer just about him or her. This is the point of a relationship and if both people can’t be happy, they will one day wind up apart or divorced. As a very wise woman once told me, “Both people need a chance to grow and prosper, not just one.” It’s also not the 50s anymore... women and men both work hard and have many more opportunities than they used to. There is no need for one person to stand quietly in the shadows of another. Again, be sensitive and insightful and when possible? Imagine the other party in the relationship is your son, daughter, sister, brother or friend too. It might make you think differently about what words come out of your mouth. Respect the love between two people and remember that you are not with them day in and day out and cannot judge or make “best” decisions for them. Only they can. And honestly, even in a couple where both people love each other tremendously, there are also bound to be some big differences between them. Neither person is "right" or "wrong" or "smarter" or "more logical." We have all been raised differently and harbor different core values and that's OK. Plus, no offense to our overly hyped, driven society where we are all convinced that money buys happiness- but that’s a load of crap. Hugs and support from your family, laughter, spontaneity, and unconditional love keep us going no matter what anyone else thinks. You cannot live the depth of your life without the depth of love (romantic, familial, friendship-based, or otherwise).

4) Be patient. This goes for both the new guy/girl and the ones welcoming them into your world. Things will get better. But before they do, they might get ugly. The unknown and new is scary for all of us and there is no way around it, only directly through it. So barrel headfirst into the tangles and know you will find your way back out somehow.

5) Speak up. Don’t be scared to use outlets. Some of us blog, some of us use Facebook or MySpace, some of us call or text our confidantes. But don’t hold it in. Yes, you might offend fewer people or keep the waters calm if you do, but your stomach will be in knots and tears will be frequent. Let it out. “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

6) Think about yourself. Yes, this sounds selfish. But when you are uncomfortable or dreading something constantly… or when you just don’t feel like doing something because your heart isn’t in it… allow yourself a free pass now and again to say, “You know what? I’m going to get a good book and curl up on the couch with some wine.” Take time for yourself and the things that remind you of home or make you feel like YOU. Compromise doesn’t mean giving up everything or converting to someone else’s way of life. As a chronic people pleaser, it has taken me a long time to strike that balance and find ways to remain independent and happy while with someone but it has made a world of difference.

7) Remember that NOTHING is permanent or forever. Give things a try, allow yourself the chance to fall and the chance to get back, and do not harbor regret for all the adventures you end up on. It can be easy to resent the world when you make decisions that turn into struggles or when you try something and it fails completely. However, pat yourself on the back for being brave and remember that at the end of the day, if it isn’t worth it, you’ll know it and can also find a new path. Do not be fearful of entrapment. You are the only person who can allow yourself to be trapped.

8) And finally, there are always good people and friends to made, no matter where you go. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you find yourself laughing with friends over beers and thinking, “This isn’t so bad after all.” Don’t torture yourself by being a personal martyr to the cause of self-pity. Allow people in and connect, connect, connect whenever and wherever you can.

I am no expert, and again, this might be far too philosophical, deep or obnoxious for some of you to stomach. But, if at least one person reads this and takes one valuable point away to apply to their own situation, well, it won’t be for not then will it?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I know this blog is all fun, philosophy, and change, but I'd like to take a moment here to discuss the fact that President Obama had to produce his birth certificate the other day.
I'm slightly concerned to read that one quarter of all Americans apparently suspect that he is here illegally or was born in another country. How very lovely that race and a name can do that. I'm a litte embarrassed right now that in times like these 1/4 of this country is focused on this ridiculous idea.
I also think it's somewhat hilarious that Trump decided to argue Obama's credentials and whether or not he deserved to go to Columbia. I mean, unlike some of our former presidents and those making billions these days, he wasn't exactly HANDED success. He lived in various countries, dealt with the divorce of his parents, remarriage, and later the death of both of them at a relatively young age. He claims to have been quiet in school, transferred colleges, and was "painfully alone."
Well good for you, Mr. Trump, who graduated from UPenn and walked into a job with daddy's company. I feel for you and your struggles.
Everyone, chill out and focus on something that matters. The rest of this crap is obnoxious and takes up far too many pages of my newspaper.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Princesses, Good Vibes, and Airport Time

I'm sitting in Chicago O'Hare Airport right now and would like to point out that my flight attendant from Indy to here was a hoot. When the plane landed she went on some rant about showing love not hatred and about telling that special someone in your life, "I love you boo. I'm so glad I have you in my life." I thought it was pretty cute, especially at 6:40 in the morning. Not many people can muster up so much as a smile, let alone a sweet dissertation on the benefits of love and peace. She also suggested we all do something to help someone else out today or this weekend... you know, make someone else happy. Well... I can't say I've done much of anything useful yet today, though I did make Chris a tiramisu for Easter last night. Who KNOWS how that came out. If he lives to tell the tale, we'll know it was edible.

I was contemplating a second ago how panicked I felt when I was sitting here in the airport and my computer kept freezing. I mean, after all, how could I POSSIBLY survive an hour with nothing to do? The art of doing nothing is a bit lost, I think. At least, it's lost on me. I remember one time last year taking a "relaxing" bubble bath with a glass of wine and Michael Buble (no, he was not in the tub with me, I mean on the stereo) and literally setting a timer to force myself to stay put and ENJOY. Part of me feels like that is just not a good thing... to have to force yourself to sit still. Because isn't that in turn just stressing you out more? So so weird. Sometimes at night I have to count backwards from ten a million times just to keep from thinking so I can fall asleep and stop worrying about the to-do list, the future, and anything else freaking me out at the moment. Chris is thrilled that he's going to have 6 weeks off between the end of his residency and when he starts his new job in Scottsdale. I, on the other hand, am completely terrified that I might have a week off from work and have been furiously job hunting and looking for part time work to get me through til I land a full-time position out there and then eventually start my RN program. Good lord. Maybe someday when I'm financially secure and not living from paycheck to paycheck or moving around so much I will learn how to enjoy downtime. For now, it just makes me feel guilty.

I'm not really sure how I got on that tangent, but I would say this large coffee has something to do with my rapid train of summarize, someday I am going to just take a trip to Vermont and stay in a little cottage and pick wildflowers or something. I swear, I will do it.

Ok moving on... a few questions for you readers:

1) When you move to a new place and have no set profession, but rather, a laundry list of random skills acquired through a variety of jobs, how do you find a great job? I mean, I do your typical searches, "Top Places to Work in ___________" and alumni networking, but is there any other magical trick to success in all this? I am at the point where I am tired of entry-level. Four years out of college, I am ready for more responsibility and a higher income. Thoughts?

2) Does anyone else have the weird, "I can't sit still" issue?

3) WHO IS EXCITED FOR THE ROYAL WEDDING???? Because to me, it's like how a Butler alum feels about making it to the Final Four (ahem). Prince William, Soon-to-be Princess Kate... castles and taffeta... oh it's all so magical. Which is weird considering I'm the girl who daydreams about getting married barefoot on the beach with sunflowers... I guess we all have that inner girl who just loves the fairytale story. Soooo I have wrangled Mer into a sleepover/mimosas at 5 am on Friday morning agreement. Feel free to join if you're in the area :)

This is pretty.... :) Too much "Say Yes to the Dress" last night.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Love Is...

Love is....

Picking out WW ice cream for me at the grocery store so that I can satisfy my sweet tooth and still be healthy and stay within my points....

Playing catch with me with the new mitt you bought me as a surprise...

Reminding me that the William and Kate Lifetime movie I have been dying to watch is on and sitting through the whole thing with me....

Filling my mason jars with lemons to make the house look pretty when I get home...

Telling me to go to b
ed when I am overtired from school and work and stressed that the dishes still aren't done and taking care of things....

Putting basketball on hold and snuggl
ing on the living room floor when I ask you to.....

Love is never about grandiose gestures and expensive gifts. Love is listening and being thoughtful. I am lucky.

Onto other beautiful topics... it is a rainy, rainy day here in Indy but there are only 2 weeks left of class! WOOOHOOO! My little herbs are growing, which is super exciting, and in 4 days I will be headed home for the weekend to enjoy Easter with my big, loud, awesome family. Good stuff!

Still hunting for jobs in AZ, still figuring out details about the move. Started looking at furniture and decorating stuff (so adult of us, I know) and all the while, making time for loads of fun and copious amounts of wine :)

Lots of love on this stormy Tuesday! xoxo

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

Ok, this probably seems totally nerdy, but I am really excited that I looked at my basil pot this morning and saw a teeny, tiny sprout!!!! Look carefully... It is seriously beautiful out today... about 60 degrees, sunny, and happy-feeling. Birds are chirping, flowers smell good... I am beginning to think I had seasonal depression because my mood is about 100% better now that there is sunshine and warmth in my life. I think Arizona is going to be a good place for me to move if that's the case :) Now for a quick "since I last wrote to you" re-cap: 1) The party on Friday was a blast! Annnnnnnnnnd the RED SOX WON AGAINST THE YANKEES! Awesome way to kick off the season at Fenway Park. 2) The weeked was fun and very productive... capped it off with a killer BBQ at Mer and Sam's, complete with Sangria and a visit from Mama Wilson. 3) The weather this week is gorgeous and there are only three weeks left of the semester. I can hardly believe it!!!! 4) Tried Indonesian food at Garuda last night, a new restaurant on 52nd... it was OK... not sure I'd give it a rave review at this point. And now for a quick, philosophical thought for the day... this whole year Chris keeps saying to me, "It's all going to be OK, it's all going to work out." And you know, for the past 8 or so months I thought he was full of crap. Everything had felt like a struggle- being happy in a new place, feeling confident about a new career path, and learning how to live with someone and move a relationship past the initial "honeymoon" phase. But you know what? Sticktoitiveness, a favorite word of mine, wins out again. Because I finally feel comfortable and like I have some great friends, that school was a good choice and this new career path is going to be a smart move, and that my relationship can handle the struggles which gives me absolute faith that the good stuff is going to be that much better. So for those of you faced with big moves, decisions, or love that is terrifying and wonderful all at once, hold on, stick with it... it'll all be OK. :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog Renovation, Sports,and Thoughts

First things first. I apologize for the weird font color issues happening right now. I am not very computer saavy but was hoping to change the template on this blog to something a little more light and happy (my other template was just too dark and depressing after awhile). Unfortunately, I cannot get the text colors on the older posts to change so if you want to read them, you'll have to highlight the post to see anything. Under construction... Moving right along... it is a gorgeous, sunny Thursday here in Indiana. I am itching to get outside but have spent the morning taking an Anatomy/Physiology exam and trying to take care of 15 other tasks I've been putting off. Soon!!! So first things first.. to all you distraught Butler fans out there- congrats on making it all the way to the national championships and remember that this loss is nothing more than fewer points on a court ONE NIGHT. The players exhibited true sportsmanship and integrity and isn't that what this is really all about? I think so. It's about having heart... teamwork... and the ability to get up and try again. So congrats on a great season! Which leads me to my next topic... BASEBALL SEASON! I love love love this time of year. The first time the Red Sox play at Fenway signifies (to me) the start of spring/summer, warm nights, cold beer, and childhood. And they play the Yankees tomorrow- oyyy. Perfect!!!! Chris and I are hosting an opening day party tomorrow night complete with whiffle ball, ballpark franks, and the wearing of our teams hats/shirts. Come one, come all! Other life updates include: 1 month left of this semester, followed by one 7 week intro to psych session... than nursing school here I come! About 3 months til the big move to Arizona- apartment hunting starts within a month! Still searching for job opportunities while I wait to start the nursing program... any ideas or leads are always welcome ;) Seana's big wedding day happens in T-3 months (thank god for WW... gotta make sure I can still fit into that cute bridesmaid dress). Annnnnd a trip out to Maine for Easter to boot! Lots of stuff going on this spring/summer. I can hardly believe I've been out in the midwest for 9 months now. And that by the end of this year it's off to a new adventure. Crazytown. So an interesting thought that's been helping me recently (and that I'd like to offer up as an idea for those about to move or embark on their own adventure and are feeling a bit anxious): I've started mentally visualizing the U.S. without lines. There is something about the separation of each state as if it's its own country (which anywhere else in the world it would be) that has been extremely daunting. BUT, when I picture the shape of the U.S. without any boundaries or borders, it seems like one big state to me that just requires a little extra driving to get from town to town. Don't ask me why this has been helping, it just has. I am the girl who takes care of children everyday and has wild, unbelievable dreams- I think my imagination is constantly running into thousands of directions. But hey, whatever works, right? Question for you all: how do you handle big changes and the stress that comes along with them? Any "off the cuff" methods you are willing to share?

Monday, March 28, 2011

College Love on a Sunny Monday

I have realized that I spend an awful lot of time talking about the relationship and location part of my life on this blog... but the middle word in the title is New Career and what better way to approach that topic than by reaching back to the place where it all started: college. So here, for alumni and non-alumni alike, an ode to the place I called home for 4 beautiful years of my life. Dear Colby, my sweet alma mater, As spring approaches and I find myself in a highly spirited college community, I find myself missing you for all the things you taught me and the reasons I loved you to begin with. You are not a D1 school , no… and you are small and nestled away in my beautiful home state of Maine. You are not all over the news or flashed around. When you have status updates, it is about things going on in the world, your travels, or your outrage at some injustice. And for all those reasons, you were perfect for a girl with an insatiable hunger for the world and learning. I miss the feeling I got the first day I stepped foot on your campus and knew that I had found the school of my dreams. Of walking across the hill by Miller library on cold, starry nights with a long night of studying ahead and a hot coffee in hand. Of sitting on the grass when it FINALLY got warm and pretending to read while friends played Frisbee and held hands by Johnson pond. I miss chatting with professors on three hours of sleep about cyclical poverty in Brazil and feeling my heart race with excitement about the possibilities of field work abroad. Of round table literary discussions in Spanish. I miss packed ice hockey games against Bowdoin. Bonnie’s Diner for pancakes with Anna when you’re bleary-eyed before LSATS on a Saturday morning. Of going to my boss’s house for a homecooked meal and learning how to make cheesecake and cookies. I miss skating on the pond in the winter and 7 am yoga at the gym. I miss 9 pm a cappella rehearsals that were half about singing and half about sharing stories and ideas with some of the most incredible women I know. I miss sneaking champagne into the chem free dorms when a friend finished her thesis and lighting sparklers and running through the grass the night before graduation. I miss seeing the little kids trick-or-treating on campus in the fall and helping them carve pumpkins. I miss karaoke and college nights at the Blues Club. I miss having friends from five different countries sitting at a dining hall table with me. I miss working in my community diligently and feeling like I really belonged. I miss feeling inspired and empowered everyday by a passion for life and the knowledge that we can all change the world and do anything we set our mind to. I miss senior steps and Bro’s pet pig. I miss feeling lucky everyday that I was blessed enough to go to a school that shaped so much of who I am and my confidence in myself (thought it waxes and wanes as of late). I miss long talks and laughs with friends over pizza and copious amounts of wine. And I am thankful every time that I pick up an Alumni magazine that I was fortunate enough to have known people who not only talked about doing good, they have gone out and done it. Even if it means taking a smaller paycheck or being uncomfortable. More than anything, I miss being around people who understand and nod knowingly when you talk about the incredible experience you had, so often difficult to put into words. I miss feeling a part of something bigger than myself and being on the inside instead of a voyeur on the outside of something exciting like I am here. So Colby, please know my love for you is strong. And even though I will never live in a college town again where all my fellow alumni are, I will always think of you and appreciate the opportunities you gave to me. And that instead of a typical “college” experience, I feel daily that I got so much more… I had an experience where I learned til my brain hurt, pushed myself to do more for the world instead of just myself, and truly grew to realize what it is that matters in life. The road has not been straight and narrow, but you always told us that was the best way to live- to take chances, jump in headfirst, fall down and get back up and never feel like any dream is out of reach. Doing my best to continue embracing passion, make changes, and make things better wherever this journey takes me. XOXO

Friday, March 25, 2011


TGIF! I'm sitting at Starbucks finishing up some last minute A/P reading (aka blogging? Shame on me) having just had my weekly Friday coffee with Mer. In a few minutes I will be headed to the dance studio where the inundation of love and craziness with the preschoolers will begin. The insanity will last until about 11 pm tonight so I'm embracing the quiet while I can. Moving right's been a great week of work, school, revelations and AHEM, engagements??? YAY JON AND SHANNON!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) I am so happy for them! They are an incredible model of love. Couldn't be more delighted by this news! Interestingly, the fact that they have me thinking about "models of love" is sort of spurring my post today. Sometimes I feel like I grew up watching too many Disney movies and was quickly disillusioned with relationships as a teenager and college student. Where was the knight in shining armor with the flowers and dazzling smile? I thought for a long time that I wasn't the relationship "type" since no one could meet those expectations. BUT, I am slowly learning that you can't judge love by Cinderella. What you CAN take from those cheesy classics are core virtues: not judging a book by its cover, perseverance, sacrifice, inner beauty, doing what's right, standing up for what you believe in, etc. After all, I'm no damsel crying over a lost shoe. I am not a sweet songbird who cooks and cleans for 7 little men with a smile. I'm a hotheaded, passionate, sensitive, at times pain in the ass kind of girl. Not that I don't love a good slow dance or the smell of freshly baked cookies. It's just in my fairytale the 7 little men do the cooking while I'm at work and we salsa instead of waltz. I digress. Part of being in my "big girl relationship" with Chris has taught me lots about the age old adage "for better or worse." I used to date people, bottle up my frustrations and then finally reach a breaking point which usually ended in some explosive phone conversation and break up. But now I'm trying to take a new approach. Allowing myself to be frustrated, talking about things instead of exploding five weeks after the fact and working through the hard times. And I would say, given the roller coaster ride of this last year, Chris and I have done a stellar job with our "sticktoitiveness." We laugh and fight and talk, but we never give up on what we have and that is the part of my fairytale that I love. I am learning that my dream man may get more excited about a basketball game than an art exhibit but that he also gives the best head rubs when I can't fall asleep. He may not have ridden in on a white horse, but he does hilarious impersonations. And though neither of us are Emeril, we have mastered the art of mac n cheese together. :) And really, who wouldn't take a head rub, good laugh, and some home cooking over all the rest of that stuff?? I think movies and books give us the building blocks for what love looks like but it's up to us to make it our own. And even though we still get horribly frustrated with each other about how slow he packs or how the dishes I wash inevitably need to be rewashed, there is still a whole lot of mismatched, unexplainble, butterfly-inducing love. And I mean, don't be jealous, but here's a great example of this man I found :
May you all find this sort of hilarious love that can puzzle, humor, and make you smile all at once. Lots of love from the girl from New England/the Midwest/soon to be Southwest.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lots of Love From An Irish Girl

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! I stumbled upon a pretty funny "You Know You're Irish When" site online and thought I would share a few that are particularly true:

1) You will never play professional basketball.

2) You swear very well.

3) You have at least one relative that is a fireman or a cop. You also have at least one aunt or uncle that is a nun or a priest.

4) You think you sing very well.

5) You have no idea how to make a long story short.

6)You spent a good portion of your childhood kneeling in prayer.

7) You are strangely poetic after a few beers.

8) Many of your sisters or cousins are named Mary, Catherine, or Eileen.

9) You're not nearly as funny as you think you are... but what you lack in talent, you make up for in frequency.

10) You have Irish Alzheimer's. You forget everything but the grudges!

And also... for all you boys dying to kiss an Irish girl today... remember a few things:

We are charming, fiercely loyal, and loving. We are also fiery, passionate, and at times, impulsive. Our passion will lead us to be incredibly caring and attentive significant others but may also lead to cursing and the occasional fit of hysteria when we're mad. We are witty and nurturing. We can DO IT OURSELVES- but don't confuse that for us not noticing chivalry. We are stubborn and like to be right, BUT we also love our family and friends more than anything else and nothing gets in the way of that love. So choose wisely. If you fall in love with an Irish girl, two thoughts will ALWAYS bounce around in your mind- 1) I am sooo lucky and 2) What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Wishing you a rainbow

For sunlight after showers-

Miles and miles of Irish smiles

For golden happy hours-

Shamrocks at your doorway

For luck and laughter too,

And a host of friends that never ends

Each day your whole life through!

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good Food and Cute Animals

First things first... we've decided to try to make one recipe each week from the cookbook I got for Christmas. Last night was homemade hummus (California Pizza Kitchen recipe). It was SOO good! Coupled with a yummy shrimp scampi-type dish and warm pita bread, it was by far better than eating at a restaurant again (too much eating out lately... eek).

Also, in the midst of studying for my AP midterm and nannying the munchkins yesterday, I decided to take a few breaks and look at sweet, cuddly animals online. I happened to find two I really loved: the teacup pig and the Yorkie Poo. Chris and I have come to an agreement on the Yorkie Poo but NOT so much the teacup pig. I ask you, though: what is so different about a tiny, non-shedding pig running around or a tiny, non-shedding dog? Both are quite sweet and loveable, right? How about you decide?

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I can't even deal. Please look at what I found this morning while poking around online. This girl and I are living parallel lives and all to be with a boy named Chris.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Logical V. Emotional. Round 1.

Happy Tuesday!
Survived microbiology this morning... even with comments from classmates like, "What is 0 degrees celsius in English?" and seeing the girl next to me literally fall asleep sitting up.
Now back home, shoveling in lunch and hoping to fit in some exercise before I bust out of the only jeans I own. Awesome.
On a more positive note, I am so proud of my sister Kristen for signing up for the
Tri-for-a-Cure! It's an incredible cause that I know my whole family really believes in and she'd definitely be grateful for any donations. Check out her site at:
Ooooo and loved one of Gretchen Rubin's recent "Happiness Project" posts:
(If I could rename this hyperlink, I totally would. Apologies). In summary, always set your sights on the happiness you can anticipate for various reasons in your life. Don't lose sight of the great moments of the present, but if you are feeling down, remember that there is almost always a light at the end of the tunnel. And scatter fun things to look forward to along the way!
Guess I'm thinking about this a lot given the current situation for me and Chris with school and the job. You know, the ever looming possibility of going back to a year and a half of long distance after already making it through one year of long distance and then being able to enjoy seeing each other every day for the past seven months. Nothing is set and stone but given that neither of us wants to make a poor choice that we'll regret later on, it looks like we both need to do what we need to do to make the most out of our careers and schooling. So hilariously, the girl who moved to the midwest for the boy might be alone in the midwest without the boy. Wrap your brain around that one.
No but seriously... I'm really doing my best to try a new strategy where I focus on the fact that a lot of hard work has been put into this whole nursing school mayhem and I am certainly not willing to give up on it now. Likewise, he has worked hard to get where he is and deserves to be happy too.
And I mean, it's not like a deployment right? Plenty of couples go through this all the time and make it just fine. I hope we get to join the ranks of those strong people :) Of course, the emotional side of my brain and the rational side are both duking it out like never before because I am beyond terrified of all of this... which is silly, given I have been independent and single for most of my adult life and know how to function just fine, right? Think logically, Mariah. Logically!
A few questions to ponder (and I would welcome any feedback):
1) Has anyone gone from being apart to being together to being back apart? And if so, is there a happy ending?
2) Has anyone had to live 100% off of loans post college without the support of a working significant other/spouse or parent? Is it relatively easy to be approved without a co-signer at 25?
3) Would this be worth it to anyone out there? Would anyone else put their dreams before their significant other for a brief amount of time in the hopes that it would set you up for a brighter, happier, more secure future?
I would love to hear your thoughts.
Much love,
"Wearing my big girl pants in the midwest." XO

Friday, February 25, 2011


Do you ever have those days where, after weeks of focusing on your own life, goals, and worries, you hear from a friend, read a story in the newspaper, etc. and are completely humbled?
I just had one of those moments. In fact, I've had a few recently.
I have a friend who just emailed me about going to Afghanistan on a peaceful mission to rebuild through art, trade, and education. Who lives her life like rainy days and hard moments don't exist. Who literally has a smile that lights up a room. WOAH. Humbled.
But it's not even just the big, exciting adventures like that that I hear about that stop me in my tracks. It's hearing about friends and family basically keeping to themselves and working less than romantic jobs who drop everything for someone in need. Who put their own lives on hold time and time again for a sick parent, a scared sibling, a friend who calls them crying at 2 am. And they do it without a complaint and without expecting anything in return. It doesn't mean they are perfect or that they might not wish things were different, but they take what life hands them and they move forward. Incredible.
It's the stories in the newspapers like the one I read awhile back about the art student in NY who got hit by a bus, who everyone essentially gave up on besides her boyfriend. And how the boyfriend sat by her bed, day in and out, doing everything he could to talk to her and get her to communicate. At the ripe bold age of 22, that boy knew that love meant being there for someone when the rest of the world decided it was no use.
And it's the even more simple gestures, like patients at a hospital who try to make their doctors or nurses smile everyday. Who think about the other people around them and are concerned for their well-being even though they themselves have every right to be cranky and self-focused. It's the students who work hard and study harder day in and day out because they believe that they can go into the world and make it better someday whether through healthcare, literature, law, or education.
Stories like these remind me that for all you hear about cheating politicians and celebrities, crime, and dishonesty, there are people who are always plugging away to give us hope in humanity and the belief that people are inherently good.
So for all the wonderful friends, family and strangers that I have come across, thank you for humbling me and reminding me that there is always more to be done and more love to give.
Happy Friday, happy weekend :)
Lots of love from the snowy midwest! XO

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Love Poems.

Well, this little diddy came at all too perfect a time. Happy Saturday... may you all get a laugh and a little spark under your feet this morning like I did :) Second one down called "Keep A Goin'."

That's really all I have the energy for right now. Off to teach ballet. Lots of love.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Southwestern Travels and A Whole Lotta Love

Dear readers (I say that as if I have hundreds upon thousands of devoted blogfans when really I know I'm speaking to a few faithful friends)-
I apologize for leaving you for the past two weeks. It wasn't intentional, I promise. More like, it has been wild and crazy (but in lots of good ways). First, let me say this- my new job as a parttime Spanish/ballet/hip hop/music & movement teacher for preschoolers is rewarding, hilarious, and exhausting (Red Bull has literally become a staple in my diet). In the course of minutes, I am surrounded by colorful tutus, tiny babies yelling in Spanish and questions like "Are you pregnant?" coming out of the mouths of 6 year olds. Let me tell you, there is nothing more motivating than hearing those words. P90x it is. Chris is going to join me.
It has been a lot to juggle because contrary to popular belief, I firmly believe that 25 hours worth of multiple parttime jobs is far more stressful than 40 hours a week of one full time job. It's the switching gears and living out of the back seat of your cars that really gets you. In the course of a day I am now changing diapers, writing lesson plans, or cramming for a microbiology exam. No big deal though. I love my munchkins, every single one of them, and classes are great (even though frustrating at times).
Let's skip ahead here now as Chris and I just got back from a FABULOUS trip to Arizona! We were checking out jobs and schools in the area. I will be honest when I say when he first mentioned the idea, I was less than excited. I had never had any interest in Arizona and as a former Texas ex-pat (not the correct terminology, but I don't really have a better word to use), I was terrified at the thought of heading BACK to the Southwest- after all, two years ago I was clawing my way out of it. HOWEVER. I. LOVE. ARIZONA. It is beautiful, warm, filled with art and Spanish influence, has AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, MIND BLOWING food, and is chock full of the friendliest people you will ever meet. I honestly cannot think of one single thing I DISLIKED about it. And that is rare for Mariah, the cynical New England lover. I think what sold me was walking around a store wearing red cowboy boots and a Stetson hat while music from the Rusty Spur Saloon blasted across the street. It's a totally different world but one that I feel quite comfortable and happy in. So we shall see :) Now if I could JUST find out if I get into/will get into nursing school...... oyyyyy still a little stressful, but trying my best to take things one day at a time and realize that no matter what it takes to finish school and get to the next step, my relationship will remain strong and constant. After all, all you need is love. That is truly what matters in the end- not fancy degrees or loads of money. Just love, plain and simple.
Now off to take the week by storm! Lots of love from a slightly warmer than normal Midwest :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Word I Really Like Is "Superfluous."

Whew! It's been awhile since I've written but that is because life has been just a little busy :) Let me start by saying that I have high hopes that 2011 is going to be a good year. Just a feeling I have.
It is currently 21 degrees and sunny here in Indy. Sadly, it looks like we're supposed to have freezing rain starting tonight and into tomorrow. Why is it that bad weather always seems to strike on Tuesdays, when I have to drive an hour each way to class in Kokomo? Boo. Guess I'll be leaving around 5 am tomorrow! Kidding. I hope. The exciting part of looming storms is that as a Red Cross volunteer, I am officially on the call list and ready for action. This might seem a little strange and sadistic, but imagine if you were trained as a surgeon and then never got to operate because all of a sudden, everyone was healthy? I mean, no one wants to see people feel sick or injured, but it's great to put a skill to use when it's needed. So who knows, maybe sometime this week I will be at a shelter doing some client casework!
Along those same lines, Friday I went to my First Aid meeting with Red Cross. I'm trained on paperwork/info collecting for people in a crisis, but I am eager to become recertified in CPR and AED as well as to learn about O2, compressions, basic wound and injury treatment, and taking blood pressures. I am going to start signing up for those courses so that hopefully by the end of February, I can help in a few different ways! I had Chris show me how to take a blood pressure yesterday and after some practice, I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it. Very cool stuff.
Two other things of note: 1) I got another part-time job teaching dance and Spanish to preschoolers! I ran my first two ballet classes on Saturday morning and had a blast. But I think Red Bull is in order for Saturday mornings with 3 year olds in tutus, haha. I'm pretty pumped at making some extra money and doing some teaching (another love of mine). 2) I finally donated my hair!!!! Went to the salon on Saturday afternoon and had 9 inches chopped off! I am going to remeasure myself today (it kind of looks like a little ferret in a bag right now), and determine if it's going to Beautiful Lengths or Locks of Love. Check it off the bucket list!
Funny side note: when I got home on Saturday, I'm pretty sure Chris was on fire. That's how fast he was moving anyway. I walked up the stairs to see laundry strewn around the hallway, the washer going, and my charming boyfriend flying around with a vacuum cleaner. I sort of stood there stunned for a second or two and then attempted to reenergize to help. We took a field trip to Costco for bins to organize with and bulk toilet paper (what a 25 year old couple, huh?) and then tried Target for the few things we couldn't find. By the time we got home, after the three hours of three year olds, cleaning spree, and Costco zoo, I was ready to crash. When I saw him jump up to start taking out the trash I finally demanded he sit down next to me and eat some grapes. This lasted for all of three seconds and then I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up next, I saw Chris in the kitchen, mashing potatoes for homemade gnocchi. I just laughed. What in the world? I am still convinced he drank his first coffee while I was gone that morning.
And now we find ourselves at Monday, the last day in January. Wow, this month flew!!!!! Off to study for class (so much better this semester), fax a few transcripts for review, and work! Have a great day everyone :)
Lots of love xoxo
P.S.- had the strangest dream last night where I was trying to walk but my legs we are all wobbly and kept tipping me over. I was also wearing insane high heels, like the ones Kristen always tries to dress me in when we go out (never a good idea), and I kept screaming about my calves and their optimal something or other... I gotta lay off the sugar or something.
What in the WORLD does that mean???

Monday, January 17, 2011

Adventures in Bangor

Happy MLK Day, everyone! Hope you are all enjoying your day off and remembering a truly great and inspiring individual.

Chris and I are currently in Maine for his job interview. We've had a weekend filled with a lot of laughs and "grown up" activity, like looking at houses and apartments (you know you are an adult when real estate books become good reading material). Bangor is little and quaint... older houses, independently run restaurants and stores, snowy mountains in the distance... definitely different than what the two of us are used to as of late, BUT very similar to how my college town felt and apparently how his childhood town felt.

If we'd planned well, we probably could've taken in some of the fun outdoorsy activities that Maine has to offer (cross country skiing, hiking, sunrise at Katahdin), but as usual, we are in a whirlwind :) We did get a chance to try out two great restaurants in the area (Giacomo's and Paddy Murphy's) and even toured the Orono campus a bit. One of my favorite parts of this trip was buying a cheap bathing suit at Target after finding out the hotel had a pool and hot tub! We checked out a few houses/apartments yesterday in person and AMAZINGLY agreed on one that we both liked best. I might go check out a few more today while he's at the hospital, but we'll see.

Either way, the best part of looking at new places, apartments, jobs and schools is that we are looking at them together. There is something really exciting and a bit less terrifying about that. Doing things on your own can be fun and exhilerating but new experiences with someone you love is exhilerating in a totally different way. And I guess I haven't had that in a very long long time... or ever, really, post living with a family.

It's like the Brandi Carlile song The Story says:
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true... I was made for you

I crossed all the lines and broke all the rules
But baby I broke them all for you
Because even when I was flat broke
You made me feel like a million bucks
It's true...
I was made for you

Love that song. Love that boy. Love that this adventure has been terrifying, exciting, up and down, thought provoking and growth inducing. Love that tomorrow morning I could wake up worried or nervous about something in the future and that by tomorrow night I could be laughing and snuggling on a couch, feeling 100% better... and just not knowing right now what it'll be. And sort of being OK with that for once.

Lots of love on a sunny, snowy Maine morning :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blah Day Today. Sorry.

I feel so. horribly. lonely. today.
I know we do this as grown ups, I know we move, we change, we grow, we settle down, but I can't help but feel like I'm going to combust sometimes at how isolating it is to go from bustling Boston with a billion roommates and friends to a suburb in the midwest with a boyfriend who is a resident at a hospital. I am trying to be patient... and not act selfishly... but would it be terrible to close my eyes and dream of flying through these next few months and getting back to New England? Maybe... debateable I suppose.
I'll probably regretting posting this later, but for now, I am working on a sleepless night and churning stomach.
So c'est la vie.
This is so not in keeping with my theme of "presence" but we all fall off the wagon sometimes I guess. And writing helps, so write I will.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to the Books

Annnnnd we're back in action. Spring semester begins today and while I am not as excited to start classes as I was after a three year hiatus, I am feeling MUCH more confident about things than I was in August. And to be honest, I prefer confidence of ability over the excitement of newness right now.

The nice part about life right now is that the hard part is over. That may seem counterintuitive given the fact that there is still nursing school and another big move this summer to think about, but as far as I'm concerned, most of my work is done. I moved here, figured out classes, made it through a semester and am getting the tail end of my apps out. All I can really do is wait now and whatever will be will be. There are still decisions ahead but nothing we can even really begin to think about until a few months from now. I feel a lot more peaceful about everything than I did at this time last year. Peaceful knowing that things will work out one way or another and peaceful knowing that the next time I make a move or start at a new school, I will have someone with me going through the exact same thing. Nice to have a little solidarity in big life changes for once.

Now for a fun weekend recap:
Friday night Chris went to the Butler game and I went to Chateau Thomas Winery for free live music and wine. It was absolutely one of my favorite things I have done since moving here. I have tried to be a trooper and immerse myself in the wild sports culture here, but to be honest, I still have absolutely no clue what is going on in a football game, nor do I care. So sitting listening to incredible music and seeing people sing and play with passion gave me chills. It also brought me right back to college and a cappella... nice folkie acoustic music that just makes you want to sit around a bonfire and sing-a-long. Well maybe it doesn't make anyone else want to do that, but it surely makes me want to. I was so born in the wrong place and time.
Saturday was a bit of a lazy day, but it was beautiful out so we went for nice invigorating walk, shopped for icebreaker gifts for my wish child, and then had a late dinner at the Olive Garden.
Sunday we both did some work, I took another nice long walk and caught up with Mimi on the phone, and then headed over to Mer and Sam's for the Packer's game. All good stuff!

So now it's time to get things rolling... time to dust off the books and get out the highlighter. Wish me luck!
Lots of love on a sunny January morning :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, everyone!
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday and that you are all feeling recharged for the year to come. Chris and I had a fun New Years Eve- out to dinner with our friends Heather and Brian, and then back to the house to watch the ball drop. Chris had the pager again so we tried to keep things low key, but having that cute face to kiss at midnight when last year all I had was a Skype date was the best thing I could ask for :)
Now onto the topic of resolutions. A year or two ago, I read somewhere that making New Years resolutions was a bad idea, especially difficult ones. When we set specific goals and then fall short of them, we are much more apt to quit and feel frustrated. This doesn't mean that you can't have some of those goals on your radar- being healthier/more active, saving X number of dollars, taking a fun trip, etc. But maybe instead of listing them out and feeling overwhelmed by the deadline you have in which to accomplish said goals, you can just be working at them at your own pace and keeping them tucked quietly in your mind.
That being said, Gretchen Rubin, author of the Happiness Project, had a great blog post on the topic. Her idea is to choose a one word theme for next year which sort of encompasses all of your goals, wants and needs. I love this. So after much thought, here is my word:
I want to be more present in the moment, in my life. I want to stop fast forwarding and giving myself timelines and deadlines. I want to totally throw myself into whatever it is I am doing and let that consume my thoughts. When I'm with the kids, I want to be listening and laughing and helping them grow. When I'm running, I want to focus on my breathing, what I'm hearing and what I'm seeing around me. When I'm studying, I want to be engaged and absorbing and understanding as much as I can. I want to relish the days not the years. This, for me, is going to be more challenging than resolving to lose 15 pounds, run a marathon, or grow an inch. So we'll see how it goes.
Should be at least a little easier this week as all I have going on is work (school starts next week). I'm trying to use this week as my detox for the semester- to get back to being active, cooking good food, reading and getting organized.
Anyway, I'd be interested to hear what your one word would be....
Lots of love!